What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


1am woke to a screeching sound but when I woke up it stopped. It sounded like fighting rodents in the street. At least I hope it was the street, not my house! The sound permeated my dream at the time, but I don't think the sound was a dream

4:15am I was just pregnant and at the hospital. People were impressed with how quickly I got pregnant (is this an impressive thing?). My whole class was there watching. There was a number 43 circled on a chart about me.

7:30am There was a car ferry and it was in position for the first ride of the day but it hadn't loaded anything yet. It pulled up it's loading planks. A lady and her black daughter still jumped on, leaving another daughter behind. It was just going to get gas. It was traveling very quickly. There was a spare clothing section on the ferry and I took some shirts. I was trying to figure out what size they were. I had taken 3 shirts. I realized that all that was left was kids stuff.
There was kids soccer- 4 teams- either on or off the boat. James' team was put with the older C players. (each young team was matched with an older team) They didn't think James team was so good so they were matched with those particular older players. I kept telling everyone what a good player James was.
There was also a party with people from daycare.

James' dream: He was playing with his cars and Karen called him and told him the soccer game they were going to watch was on now. Myron took him down to her place as I was at work.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Training and complaining

I think I was at RMC (military college) looking down at the bay (which had a different shape). The water was clear and you could see a metal structure in the water. I asked Paul what it was and he started talking about counterweights. As I was looking, I could see what it was for. There were divers jumping off into the water. When they came out of the water there were a couple of stations where army guys would spray them with some army spray. The spray was coming near me and was not pleasant and I did not know what it was, so I got up to leave. I would have written an email complaint, but I didn't know who to write to. The training rules stated what qualifications you needed to spectate but I did not fit the qualifications so I'm not sure why I was allowed there in the first place.

At home I was taping big brother.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dividing up

(this dream probably was from reading the end of Joshua where the Israelites divvy up the land)
WE were dividing up the land. We were charged with making it our own. On blank spots on the wall we were to make billboards that would lead people to God. We could choose our colours and our message. I think I chose red.

I wanted Kim to work for Via. I thought she would be perfect as she can stay up all night. As we were running to the train, there were some goldfish on the wooden platform. I'm not sure why they were there but I picked them up and threw them back in. They seemed happier there. (Kim has a big fear of fish)

Monday, July 21, 2008


In last night's dream I ran around with James through a number of buildings. We weren't anxious or anything. We were on a mission (though I don't know what it was). We went through arenas and maybe a grocery store. We bought some yogurt at one point. James picked it from what it looked like on the outside, but he doesn't even like to eat yogurt, so I'm not sure why he was picking. I think he picked the green and white one.

I looked up online what the yogurt meant and found

To see or eat yogurt in your dream, suggests that you need to learn to behave appropriately for the different situations and circumstances you find yourself in.
the reference is from dream-meanings.org but the site seems to no longer exist. I used a cached copy.

I will work on learning to behave properly and not judging things from the outside...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kassie and a car

In my dream we lived in an apartment building. Myron put Kassie on the ledge of the window on the outside. I said that wasn't a good idea. He said it was fine. She flew but flew back in the kitchen window. I closed the window so she couldn't do it again but she thought it was so much fun she went out the kitchen window and then we didn't see her again. Lots of people were there looking. I think Jared was there.

In another dream Paul was at our house helping out. And he said he had found a car for us and to look out the window. There were a couple of vans out there but I think the car he wanted us to look at was a Toyota and it was a funny brown colour.

Friday, July 18, 2008


(The fact that I am dreaming about the daycare I attribute to the fact that yesterday they told me that they will be closed next week and it really surprised me because I thought I had written down the vacation dates correctly, but I evidently had not!)

I was walking to the daycare (without James) and it was pitch black. It was so hard to see. I was approaching the intersection of Victoria and Concession along Victoria. I could see there was a long army truck travelling east on Concession. There was another army truck that was facing me (north on victoria), stopped at the lights wanting to turn right (east). It pulled in front of the army truck travelling on Concession. I thought it was a small vehicle and would have no problem making it, but it was actually quite a large vehicle and only made it by a few inches.
When I got to the daycare, they were renovating and there were so many more rooms. I tried to look around. There were lots of colours in the daycare, in contrast to the darkness outside.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another party!

In this dream there was a big party. There were only 2 children there - James and a child princess. It was a fun party. There was lots of ice cream. Boris and Barbara were the hosts. There was a lot of ice cream. It was starting to melt so Barbara started dishing it out with her hands. I think the other child may have been theirs. Then the princess got sick. I was worried. I took her into another big room where Boris and Barbara had gone. Noone seemed too concerned but a doctor had been called. She was still playing normally- she didn't LOOK sick. I still worried that James would catch what she had.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I was going to a wedding. A number of other ladies were also going to the wedding. Michelle, Rachel, Leslie. They were still waiting in their cars when I arrived. Rachel and Leslie were in convertibles. When I arrived I went straight to go in. I was not going to wait outside, so they got out of their cars too. I hugged Leslie and was surprised by how tall she was.
When we got inside there were comfortable chairs facing forward and round dinner tables. I was going to sit in the comfortable chairs and some of the other ladies were going to sit at the tables. Then we found out they needed us to help out and we were quite willing. I think we had to light the potpourri or something like that, so we built a little fire so that the candle would catch. But then when the candle caught there was too much fire and so we put the candle out.

My mom was doing some work back behind a house. She was wearing my purple fuzzy pants. I asked her why she was wearing my pants and she said something about pregnancy and pretending something for her exercise routine. Some people came through the gate in the back garden. She and I were in a car, listening. They wanted to go to Washington (but they didn't talk to us) My mom was like they need to go to first av. I thought she was confused over what washington because i thought that they would need to go to division to get to the highway.

james had biked somewhere but i only realized after that he would need to bike back in the dark, so i think i went to get him.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How the Easter bunny messes with my subconscious

James and I were waiting for a bus at a bus stop. The bus was #2- it arrived earlier than we expected (despite the fact we were waiting at a bus stop) and I didn't have the tickets ready. I got one out but then tried to give a transfer. The bus driver did not accept that (and rightly so) and I managed to get the right second ticket out as well.

There was a building site and we were waiting for a permit. Al had a memorial stope made(chiseled). The workman was breaking through a stone in the building. Carefully, I told him. As he broke through I could see eggs behind. Eggs that had cracked open and birds been born from. I saw a flash of yellow feathers. A chick. There was one born recently. I told the workman I would take the chick but what he handed me was an adult white rabbit. I knew that Al had put him in there.

There was a library and we found a misfiled book. We went to look where the book was supposed to be filed and wondered what book had been filed there instead.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A big stick


I was in Church talking about Henri in front of everyone when suddenly there was something going on out on the street and Henri ran out. I went and got her big stick. It was a bit dusty. I ran after her. I think we ended up upstairs. She was talking to someone. The pizza arrived in a dumbwaiter, one box open. There was some store that this pizza was connected with. I didn't want any pizza.

It was dry outside (though IRL it had just finished pouring rain) and I was trying to water my neighbours' lawns. First I used a watering can and watered the edges. Then I took the sprinkler out and it worked for a bit but then the water dried up. I turned the sprinkler over but that did not even help


There was a choice of textbooks you could buy for a course. If you were going to take the second part you could buy the big one but if you were only taking the first part you only needed the little one. (It may have been linear algebra) I was trying to figure out if I was going to take both parts or not.

In an ice cream place. One of the employees in a blue shirt came up to me and said hi Aphra. I did not know who she was. She said she was Tammy. She looked familiar but not as a Tammy. She had brown eyes. I said 'high school?' and she nodded. (She looked a bit like my friend Alison from St. C high school IRL)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I was shopping with James. There was a store that had some samples from another store. James really liked the clothes (2) that they had and wanted to buy them. I suggested that we go to the real store if he liked the stuff so much. He still wanted to buy the stuff we had found. They were also selling some webkin stuff that james wanted to get. But there was a discount you would get if you left the store and came back at the appointed hour (a few minutes later) so we gave the stuff in at the sales desk to hold for us. A lot of people had done the same thing.
Brook was there wanting to work for a daycare.
At home, I was trying to serve Kim food. I said I had raspberries. She agreed. I said with vanilla yogurt. (This is what I have eaten for breakfast the last few days IRL) I also offered her something to drink that she would like/

Friday, July 11, 2008


There was a big building (institution?) that we were living in. Jo M. lived on the far end. Everything seemed to be going on at the near end. I found him a place to live, but it was under the floor(?). I was driving a digger and some other people were scooping gravel. We were putting it in a dump truck. I put the digger in because I thought it would fit best there. The others were a bit confused, but we kept scooping the gravel.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

gym class

James and I were in a big auditorium. There was a man who was trying to be funny but actually was quite mean. James ran and hid and I was trying to help him.

At a youth group or something I took out some of the gym equipment and was helping the children to use it. I kept the children in order. There was the hanging from a bar bar that James used a few days ago at gym camp.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


There was a woman- she had black hair pulled up and her face she looked half black- and she looked very pregnant.
She lay down on the floor and was doing something like a sit-up, but looked like she was trying to push a baby out.
I asked when she was due and she said 15 weeks. I was surprised because she looked like she was so much further along. So I said with surprise that she was only starting the third trimester and that maybe she wouldn't gain too much weight in the trimester. She looked doubtful but she said maybe.
She had to go for medical tests and I tried to explain how my tests went. Then we were there looking at the tests (though I'm not sure if the test was on me or on her) and I could see the graphs coming up on the screen even though I didn't know what they meant. They kept testing different things - as soon as the one ended, the next started. I think one test was for moisture?

ETA: (After a day of thinking about this) Sometimes things can look ready and done to us, ready to move, but we don't see with God's eyes. We don't always understand his plans. We like to analyze and test things, but that doesn't make a difference to when things come about. Sometimes we have to wait for good things to arrive. 15 weeks will be Oct 19.

Friday, July 04, 2008


I was writing a note and instead of bolding there was a button to copyright.

I was in a hall at a school maybe painting and I had to go to the bathroom. I went in and then went out and it happened again but the second time I went back all the stall were full and the doors were open.

Thursday, July 03, 2008


There was a lady who had very specific demands on Kim. She had hired her for a job, but Kim was only allowed to touch certain things. Kim had carefully put a large table in the room and moved everything around so she could do her sewing. I think it was in the dining room. The books had been moved over.

Previously children had been removed either from this home or from another home.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Lost baby

I had these dreams on June 22 but the last one I had a real problem with and found it difficult to write:

There was a guy in a media booth making commentary. There were lots of booths in rows but just one media guy.

I was walking home (Chaplin) and there was a line of black children on the sidewalk. Were they protesting something? They were loud. I had a choice of 2 ways to walk and i chose the bit longer route with less children that was quieter.

There was a girl who was pregnant. I thought she was going to keep it but she told me that the scans they had done said it was too small, that there were parts of the brain that weren't functioning. I asked if that meant it might abort naturally. She thought that maybe, like Tracey's had. (but otherwise surgically?) I hugged her.
There was a guy who posted in the newspaper about babies they had not had. The latest was 'Alison'. I guess they dies before birth.

Icey Avalon Dice

I was meeting up with people from my past. I think we hired Brian to do something in the house. Then we hired Lisa M. to move something. Joel was home with the baby. When she pulled up she put on a black coat (to keep her clothes clean?) As she was walking up to the house I left the house and got in a car. (her car?) and I was pulling it around. I couldn't pull it out if I had wanted to as there was a black vehicle (SUV?) blocking the end of the driveway, but there was still a lot of curved space to pull around. So I'm pulling around and the brakes don't seem to be working. So I pull up on what I think is the emergency brake but is actually Lisa's water bottle. Because I can't stop it I turn it away from the black SUV and am driving on the lawn (so it doesn't hit the SUV) It stops shortly after on the lawn. I explain to lisa the benefits of having and emergency brake. I said you rarely have to use it, but i've used it twice in my life. I am explaining how an emergency brake works.

Then the dream moved to this dorm. Things got really crazy. I was there to visit someone but there were these 2 girls fighting and trying to push each other in the fire. I was shouting at them not to but they were ignoring me as they were too involved in the fight. The one agressor girl did not manage to get the other girl in. Though they continued fighting and went down the stairs. For some reason I went down too. The second one did manage to get the first one in the fire down there, but they were still fighting. She was dragging the girl up the stairs. I was ahead of them. I went through the door at the top, but did not hold it open as I did not want to be close to them. I thought she might be upset because I did not leave the door open for her. I took off running and went up a set of stone stairs on the other side of the building. The girls needed an emergency brake!

There was also a guy who had lots of money, many millions and was trying to give it away.