What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Monday, April 27, 2020

4 parts

Part 1: Dinner

A number of Rustlers arrived on time for the dinner (Todd, Sarah I remember but there were many others) Some people were late. I had finished eating what I could and put the rest away in a takeaway container. Then other people started to arrive. So I had to sit back down and people thought I was late but I was on time.

Perception is not always reality.

Part 2: Game

There was a game where Todd could win a dress for Chelsea by answering questions. I could see that the dress was like a sundress with straps but instead of being on a hanger it was on a roller. I wasn't sure that it would be a dress that she particularly liked but there was joy in the game.

Luke 7

31 “To what can I compare the people of this generation?” Jesus asked. “How can I describe them? 32 They are like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends,
‘We played wedding songs,
    and you didn’t dance,
so we played funeral songs,
    and you didn’t weep.’

33 For John the Baptist didn’t spend his time eating bread or drinking wine, and you say, ‘He’s possessed by a demon.’ 34 The Son of Man,[f] on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, ‘He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!’ 35 But wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of those who follow it
Part 3: Delays
There was a plan to help Christine that Todd was coordinating but he kept getting pulled off into other things and so it was not progressing as it should.
I had books but they fell in the road. I grabbed one but then the lights changed so I had to wait for the cars to go before I could get back to the rest of the books.
Delays can cause us to move off the plan.
Part 4: Words
Driving in a car to a mountain but it was a wall and so no progress could be made.
Don't forget to pastor the ones who don't look like they need pastoring.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Alligators and Alaska

In my dream I was in an apartment and an alligator was in it as well. There was an alligator handler chasing it but it was near my bed. Then it went in the fridge. There was a small child playing nearby but I wasn't worried, I knew that she would be safe. But really it did not seem that that was a sensible thing to think.

Then I decided I was going to make a trip to Alaska. I didn't really want to fly but I didn't have that much time. I wanted to conquer the unknown.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

different schedules

In my dream half the people were up at night and half during the day to limit covid and space people out.

Monday, April 20, 2020


Was planning a trip that was maybe a circle with mountains. I had to meet up with someone for the last leg and that was the trickiest to plan because the itineraries had to match at that part.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

dead bunny

There was a dead bunny on the lawn. I was trying to figure out what happened. It was hard to tell.

I went to a white small port a potty. I didn't lock the door as I was unsure if I needed it. There were some people who wanted to come in.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

lunch and a shooting

I was in a cafeteria for lunch with other people and I saw Jo in the lineup and thought maybe we could get some work done over lunch. So I went up to her as she seemed alone. But she was dating a coach of one of her girls. I said interesting as AnneM was also dating a coach.

There was a polar bear driving a car, then pulled over and got out a shotgun and shot a man. It was a targeted shooting. Then loped away leaving the car and the man.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Chinese woman

I was staying in a hotel room. Becca M.. student and her father had concerns about the program so they were staying as well as they could find no other place to stay. The father had very distinctive coke bottle glasses. They were there to fight for something. The father maybe wasn't supposed to be on campus and campus security found out and so he was in a bit of trouble. Then they told me they were worried about him doing all of this because he was sick. I didn't know that he was sick and as he was staying in my hotel room I had to hand sanitize a lot. Then I had to explain the situation maybe to Stacy and I found out that they had hired a Chinese woman but I can't remember her name to fight for them. She had a lot of experience fighting. Then she was also in the hotel room and in the bathroom. I was also in the bathroom and she was standing blocking my way. So I had to cough on her to push past her. Was she a Jezebel?

Then in another room that was more like a stall was Trish. At least I thought it was a Trish I knew so I was talking to her but it turned out it was not the Trish that I thought it was.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


There were lots of students everywhere. I tried to walk up the stairs but slipped back holding the handrails. Then I took the elevator up to the cafeteria. They were giving away some free pens. I got one for my mother. I was trying to keep track of all the students.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Tabitha and I were ready to start and waiting for the security guard to let us in. Maybe he didn't understand that we worked there.

I was going to go somewhere with another lady but I needed to pick up a book first. She didn't seem to be too keen to travel with me so I left her at the library while I went to Mac-Corry (library?). There was another interesting book outside so I picked that up as well. I went into the mac-corry library and it was only 1/2 hour until it closed. I needed to go up to the 3rd floor. When I got up there the time was earlier than when I had been on the ground floor so it gave me more time to get my book. But it made me not trust the clocks.

Sunday, April 05, 2020


In Holland, there are 2 townhouses that we were staying in. People were looking and wouldn't know which house we were in so we had to direct them which house. Maybe they were mainly hockey players.

Breakfast was at the panekooken house. Most people got take out but James wanted to be served. My mother ordered a unique meal with some food that was little balls

Then we were walking through the park down to the sea. There were dead pidgeons there. When we got down by the sea there were stores selling things to measure the relative velocity of the waves and the air. There were many different devices but they all worked in their own way.

getting ready for the perfomance

I was waiting to take someone to the performance. I called to remind them and said that I wanted to leave by the half hour. They arrived 7 minutes after the half hour. I was in the store looking at cellphones. The old become new. We hurried out to the car. It was a small red car in the driveway. The driveway was icy. I suggested that my passenger (he was a young man, maybe a PM) drive as I was a slow driver and we were running late. There were lots of books and instructions that he had to take off the drivers seat. Then he drove down the snowy driveway. I guess to turn around.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

exams with Somi

I was in the class setting up before Somi got there. I had to leave 1/2 hour before the exam, when he arrived. There was a guy sitting the wrong way on an odd desk in the classroom. I left Somi to try to turn him around. I had to put something important on Tracys desk. I hoped that she would see it.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

new job

I had a new job in Ottawa with Joel K. I signed the offer but noone followed up with details so I thought maybe I needed to follow up.

I was at some kind of conference. They only had a very small fridge and the cook was there most of the time. I wanted a drink but the drink was no longer in the fridge as they were preparing for the next meal. Things had changed.

There was a 150k cleaning job but I wasn't being considered even though I was doing the cleaning. Cleaning up the guac.

I had a new dog and it understood some things was still pretty hyper. I had to close doors on him to keep him safe.