What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

the everchanging mural

Eija and I were standing looking at a brick wall that had a beautiful mural painted on it. It was even more spectacular as it kept changing- like it was hovering over the brick wall (maybe projected onto it) But it was so beautiful it was hard to look away. It was hard to wake up after as well. The colours were dazzling. One scene was an underwater scene with a blue seahorse.
I turned to Eija and asked her how to say her name again?
Behind us was a pool with people swimming in it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


There was a law exam going on in a couple of places. In one place there was only one but she finished early so I send the proctor home but said I would pay for some extra time as she was inconvenienced. Then she was asking is I could pay for her sister's paper route time. I said no.

I was waiting for something.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

hands like doves

I was trying to help find a lost boy (he may have been autistic) and so I had dove puppets on my hands. He didn't see them until after we had found him so I'm not sure how useful they were.

I moved from teaching university to elementary school very easily. I had to teach in chunks of time 8-10, 10-12, 12-2, 2-4. A full day.

I was in a hardware type store and someone was using the same mop type. I wondered if I lived in the store if I could always use the sample mop to clean the floor

Monday, May 28, 2012


A lot going on in the dreams last night- can't really remember the order.

I got my mom a hang gliding lesson for her birthday.

I was at the school and I saw Sarah W. go in the school with a cigarette in her hand. It was not lit. In the dream she was about 11. In real life I think she is 14. I was very upset and later in the dream I told some other people that I had seen her with it. Did they think this was bad? I knew another one was a smoker so I wondered what he would say. This was after a coach and a kid had come by the room. The room we were in was a filter room as a lot of people had to use it to get from one side to another.

I was in another location and we had to use all these hidden keys to get through these everyday doors. There was someone going through at one point so I didn't need to use the keys but I waited for the door to close and used them anyway so I could practice.

A delivery man came to deposit packages. A couple other ladies were directing him like they were playing pool. I went to rescue the little box of candies. I think I offered them and ate some. The other ladies were upset and threw some from the floor and that were half eaten in the box. Lots of hairs because they got them from the ground.

I was talking to Tony outside the college building and he looked up and saw that the glass wasn't clean. I said I had been trying to clean it. I didn't understand how it could get so dirty when it was so far from the road. But then I understood that it was the rain.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

wilderness camp

Dreamt I was part of the instruction team for a wilderness camp. Not going to the bathroom in the wilderness was a big rule. There was one washroom building by the trails and everyone was expected to go there. They had thought about making separate buildings for adults and children but had not done that at this time. There was a guy who wanted to visit his home. He had to write a letter. He started it with a note about "his wives" which noone seems to comment on. I guess that wasn't important. He wanted to take the trailer to move some things. The letter was not well written but it was adequate and they lent him the trailer.

Friday, May 25, 2012


I was doing activities in some sort of fair. One involved shooting a ball using a contraption with elastics. Bas was there with his girls from the grad school watching. In my home there was a lady she may have been working on my computer in the Nelson st house. I went to talk to her and I saw that the floor was uneven- it had some markings. When I looked closer I saw there was a basement and there were kids in it. They were the lady's kids. I was surprised but tried not to show it. She didn't seem worried. I wanted to take my camera to take a picture but figured I couldn't do it when she was there. I had to wait until she went to the bathroom. But but the time that happened other things were going on. There was also another mystery to solve and there were a number of books on the shelf. I tried to highlight the important ones but then I thought it would make more sense if they were in order so I put them in order on the shelf. The series of books was numbered but they were different shapes and sizes.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

yet again moving

Dreamt that I had completed 4 years of university but was going to stay for a 5th year so I was moving to a house on Eliot St. (maybe Earl). My friend from India had been living there and she helped orchestrate the move. I think she was staying for the year as well. Some of the other people had not moved out yet. I had my friend on the phone and I was describing what everything looked like to her. It was a pretty big house. When you walked in the door there was a front room with a large end table that was covered with stuff like Lego. There was a hall that ran to the back of the place with bedrooms off it. They were pretty small- just room for a bed and dresser. Some still had furniture, some did not. I slept in one. Then worked on cleaning up old food.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

an icy plunge and a blue flag

For completion of a class/degree we all had to take a swim through some icy water. This did not bother me too much but the thought of having to walk home in the icy wet clothes was worrying for me. I was working on creating blue flags. I had cut out a number of them and was working on the last one- it was going to be a very long one as I was cutting for quite a while. Were the flags for the finishing ceremony?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

my subconscious is 45 minutes ahead

I was dreaming about asking TAs to get their marks in. There was an instructors table that I either gestured or nodded to saying that is where they had to get their marks in to. Sean was arguing with me about if they needed to be letter or numerical grades. I wasn't expecting him to argue with me. I told him he had to get the grades in whatever format I asked for. Then it was 6am so I woke up. (Though it was only 5:15am. The neighbours were banging doors maybe they had a special trip planned for this morning. They were all up very early) After settling back down after all that excitement, I had a dream about running an english proficiancy test. We had put a girl named Victoria in change. She looked like a girl of the same name on 90210. She was at the front of the room and everyone was writing. I sat down and must have fallen asleep. When I woke up she had pulled dividers across the room to divide it into 3 sections. I didn't know how she could proctor that. Some of the students seemed to have fallen asleep as well. But as I walked down the aisle they roused and started handing in their tests. At the end of the test all the tests were in a blue bucket and in my car. Victoria started talking about how to write down about her breakdown. It sounded like she had just had the breakdown. There were lots of crew lifting the chairs out of the room with a mechanized vehicle. When I got back to the car Tim L. was running it to use the gadgets which I was upset about as I thought that was a waste. And the blue bucket of exams was gone. I asked Tim about it but he didn't know. I thought maybe someone else took them back to the office. I drove. Behind me a karate club went on to the street to practice. In front of me were kids coming on bikes with a parent. I was very careful to avoid them.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Karen and Bob were moving in about a week. Today Bob was going to take a table and Karen was going to take something smaller. I praised them for their initiative. Jordin was going to put some flat things in the trunk of her car. There were some chocolate bars from Holland. They were in a series. One with butterscotch that I ate some of. One melk which Myron had eaten some of. One white. One dark with Zwarte Piet on the package. I? wondered how we would get through all the chocolate!