my subconscious is 45 minutes ahead
I was dreaming about asking TAs to get their marks in. There was an instructors table that I either gestured or nodded to saying that is where they had to get their marks in to. Sean was arguing with me about if they needed to be letter or numerical grades. I wasn't expecting him to argue with me. I told him he had to get the grades in whatever format I asked for. Then it was 6am so I woke up.
(Though it was only 5:15am. The neighbours were banging doors maybe they had a special trip planned for this morning. They were all up very early)
After settling back down after all that excitement, I had a dream about running an english proficiancy test. We had put a girl named Victoria in change. She looked like a girl of the same name on 90210.
She was at the front of the room and everyone was writing. I sat down and must have fallen asleep. When I woke up she had pulled dividers across the room to divide it into 3 sections. I didn't know how she could proctor that. Some of the students seemed to have fallen asleep as well. But as I walked down the aisle they roused and started handing in their tests. At the end of the test all the tests were in a blue bucket and in my car. Victoria started talking about how to write down about her breakdown. It sounded like she had just had the breakdown.
There were lots of crew lifting the chairs out of the room with a mechanized vehicle.
When I got back to the car Tim L. was running it to use the gadgets which I was upset about as I thought that was a waste. And the blue bucket of exams was gone. I asked Tim about it but he didn't know. I thought maybe someone else took them back to the office. I drove. Behind me a karate club went on to the street to practice. In front of me were kids coming on bikes with a parent. I was very careful to avoid them.
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