What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Downtown bus

I went to visit my parents. Nanny was there too. My father used this special kettle to make his drinks. Nanny was looking at it and there were bugs and dirt that had fallen in (as it was outside). I told her not to worry about it, just boil it, it will be ok.

I was trying to explain to my father where he needed to catch the bus to get to where he wanted to go. It was a bit complicated, but do-able.

Woke at 4am

Saturday, May 23, 2009

post 450

At a golf course- all these people teeing off from the same area. James told me it was a par 3. You had 3 shots to make the hole and every shot you went over you had to pay per shot.

There were 2 choices of resort destinations. I chose 1, the other was called 'cheaters' and 1 guy could bring 2 girls or 1 girl could bring 2 guys. The one who did the bringing would get 60% of the 3rd person's fee back.

Friday, May 22, 2009


I had a very,very bad night last night. Surprising that I had so many dreams as I think I only got a couple of hours sleep.

My office space was relocated. It was smaller, further back and my desk was rotated.
Kim's space had moved as well and it looked like she was at the front of the hall in the middle of nowhere.

After the renovations of the offices, I went to what I saw on the map as a new washroom and thought people might not know about it. It was big and there were lots of stalls but many of them were plugged so it took a while to find a useable one.

Kim and I were off on some mission. It was night and we were trying to break into a house by the basement window. Kim had a plan that I didn't like very much.

Some kids were playing a game with a ball. The older kids were lifting up the younger kids so they could hit the ball.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Class trip

I was helping James' school teacher by taking the kids outside. They were all behaving well. We walked downstairs and there was a kindergarten class in the hall. I did not know what the protocol to go through would be. I didn't know where James' teacher was. We stopped outside the gate. Someone opened it and the kids went through. I let the principal go through too (pricipal was last years', not this years') and I went through last. I think the kids were playing soccer outside.

At another point, I was with older kids and there were duotangs on the table with work. A lot of kids weren't in the room yet, or had been in and left. I had a duotang and I was helping other people with their duotangs. Someone tried to take my duotang, but I did not let them.

There was an ant hill in the floor. (I think someone's house)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

measuring tape

A couple of my students asked me if their measurement was correct. I went to check the measuring tape to make sure it was thin and vertical. It was, but a piece of the tape was peeling up. I said as long as they held the piece of paper down, it would be fine.

Monday, May 18, 2009

hockey team

I dream that I was on a hockey team going on a trip. James and his friends Duncan and Quinn were there. (and Quinn's 2 sisters) Henrie was there and wasn't sure if she was going. But she let the camera guy take a video. She didn't have the money for the entry fee. I gave her the $5 required.
The guy in charge was saying something about a die roll from 3 to 12. I was confused. Myself and another girl asked about it. And then we understood that there were different levels of understanding about the game. I said I was a 3 and would need to ask a lot of questions. James and Duncan were 12s. There was a range.
We were going to watch a video. Myron wasn't there but they played a tape of his voice. Some people needed seats, so I moved over but they didn't end up sitting there.
The whole family with the 3 girls was going on the trip.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

moving day

Moving day was coming up. I was ready. (I am not sure if the moving was my house or my office as bits of the dream belongs to both) The futon was going to be too heavy to move, so I wanted to get rid of it. I was all set, then I wanted to ask peg if I could keep the stuff in my office there for the summer.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I was with this group of orphans. It was one of their birthdays so she ate a lot of the pink cake and shared it with one other. Because she was eating the pink, I put the chocolate in the fridge.
We went to find one of the boys fathers. The driveway was steep, the father used to work for the railroad.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Building and breaking

Al was building a house. The foundation was there and he was attaching some boards to make more of the house and they would go up and then fall down again. And he would start over again. He was ok with this. The foundation was solid.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I was helping to plan a kids camp at the church. I went to SDM to pick up some supplies. There was a toilet right by the exit that could be used. People would walk right by you as they left. I was talking to my mom on the phone while using that toilet and told her i had to go because of all the people.

There was a building that people who were staying at the conference were using. It wasn't a hotel more of a short-term communal house. Al was there along with quite a number of people I did not know. I think I was helping to organize the stay. I went in one room and did something wrong, but then I tried to do the right thing. (Though I don't know that that cancelled out the wrong thing!) A lady was walking by and she guessed (correctly) my error and she wrote about it and everyone turned against me. Kim was there, maybe bringing supplies. I had to go to the bathroom. I found one but that was attached to someone's room, so I couldn't use that. I went to the end of the hall and found one that I had used before. But now it was plugged up with books and other assorted things. I pulled out all the objects to that it would no longer be plugged up.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


There was a docked boat. The dock was wooden and enclosed. There were other boats as well. A man wanted something from this boat. Maybe this man was the previous owner? The boat was locked and I wouldn't let him on. I told him he had to talk to the new owner. I looked in the locked boat's windows to try to see what he was after but all I saw were alphabet letters stacked up.

I was in a large building and walking around. There was one room that had been painted green, but I painted purple over it. You could still see the green. I decided that the room needed a door to get through. I planned to break the hole through.

Saturday, May 09, 2009


Joel had these piles on a table and he had a contraption worked out so they rotated around. I told James to watch his fingers because they rotated pretty quickly.

There was a little girl in a high chair (maybe Gabby) and her high chair shelf flipped out so there were multiple eating platforms. I folded them up and told her to watch her fingers.

My bike was out in the township and was locked to another bike. (a Chinese girl's?) She unlocked hers from mine (it was her lock) and I moved her bike under a covering of trees. She left mine on the ground. I was trying to figure out how I would get to pick it up- biking out bath road and then back down princess st. i would only be doing right turns.

Friday, May 08, 2009


this dream was from a day ago:
I was part of a team of rowers. We each had an individual numbered card that started with the number 44. There were a lot more rowers than I expected. The boat was bigger.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Meal with Marla

Sunday May 3:
Dreamt Joel wanted me to take his new dog on Wednesday (to take care of it) He and George showed me their new start up screens for their lap tops. It started with a picture of where you are (like RMC) and kept broadening out (Kingston, Ontario East, Ontario, Canada, N.Am, etc.) until you are looking down from space.

I was talking to Jose through a glass and he was telling me about a computer problem that I didn't understand. So I was like ok and I turned away and told him to have a nice day.

Monday May 4:
I was making a meal for Marla. I had 2 pieces of chicken to heat up in the microwave and one was boiling. I got Marla in and asked her how long she wanted her chicken heated. I poured her chicken on a plate. When it came out, some rice came out too. She complained that she didn't want that rice, that she wanted pre-seasoned rice.

I was sitting on the edge of the bath in the bathroom and I felt it move, so I looked and the caulking was loose. So I decided to caulk. It was worse than I thought - there were whole gaps. I decided I would leave the difficult parts for Julian and I would do the parts I could (about 1/2)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

road trip

My mother and father and James and I were going to ottawa to see the senators play.(IRL my parents ARE in Ottawa today) We were going to go by bus. I kept going to the city bus map to check the times for getting to the bus station. Noone else was worried about the times, or even going but I was concerned that we would not have enough time to make it. We went for a walk.

There was a classroom. People in wheelchairs were in the class. It had seats that could elevate into the air. You had to be careful that the wheelchair people did not fall off.

Tara was there but noone could get her to talk. I felt it was a spiritual attack.

I was in a large dump truck and it was coming down a hill and making a turn. It seemed like a right hand turn, but it was into the opposite side of the traffic, more like a left turn. There were cars that were in the way. One got run over.