What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

we all have our own meal

Everyone had their own cut of meat, their own lessons to learn. Even Justin Trudeau, though he had an especially large cut and was treated differently.

I was trying to make announcements to the class but I kept having to change things to adapt.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

in a time of pandemic

I was at Paula's house trying to do laundry, finding all the dirty sheets.

She showed me a battery wrapper and asked me if I knew what it was. I said a battery wrapper. But I think she meant that it was in the laundry.

In BMH she was working in the middle of the hall to avoid touching anything. I had to work around her and remember to clean what I touched.

Todd's 2 sermon titles
1. Living a life of sacrifice in a pandemic
2. Choosing who you should marry. James was going to marry Mina, a creative type from Finland

I was putting out garbage. I owned 2 houses but I was putting all the garbage in front of the other house. The lawns were dug up in places, maybe to lay pipe.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

children are the superheros

In my dream the children were dressed up in superhero outfits and were going to be cared for together while the parents went to an event in Toronto. I think there was a bus going to the Toronto event but it was pretty late- like the event was at 9pm and we were leaving at 7pm.

There was a dish that was in the slowcooker that I kept having to transfer. Then I think someone else filled liquid into it while I was getting more liquid and then it was full and overflowing.

James had a dream that I went to swat a wasp and I uncovered a whole nest.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

in the waiting tents

We were staying in tents, waiting to go to a concert. They were warm. Even old people were staying so it must have either been comfortable or necessary.

Nanny showed up at the end with blue flowers and white lollipops that were melting. I was excited to see her but she still seemed confused.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

What is needed?

What deliverables are needed?

What prayers are needed?

We had a prayer exercise where people were to write their requests on a box or something and then others were to pick them up. But I was the only one doing that. Others were praying but in a different ways and in different locations. I had to try to find them to pray for them.

The bathrooms didn't have locks on them but I found one that was more sheltered.

Tina had to work and was up early and was dealing with the Jehovah's witnesses at the door.

Deborah had built a door that was closed.

Myron put a tree to grow in the sidewalk but I didn't think that was a good idea. How would the sidewalk plow get through?

There was a car and people inside may have been pregnant. Wondering if it was the right car for them?

Friday, May 22, 2020

cynthia tree

I got a bunch of flowers and what I thought was a Cynthia tree but someone else said it was not large enough to be a tree and was a bush. It was all bent so I was trying to bend it back.

In a building (maybe a school) and there were graphics rules over the doorways. Rules about partners. Rules to follow.

About Doggie and how he was with me for so many years.

How I needed my hair parted another way. Sarah said I could do it a couple of ways. I was crying because I didn't want it done one way as I felt too exposed. People could not approach me properly.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

juice in the freezer

James kept calling me on the phone wanting things.

There was someone visiting who was similarly picky who didn't want any of his food touching. I found out that juice had leaked in the freezer and I was working on cleaning it. I had cleaned one side and had to slide the door to get to the other side. I asked the guy if it was ok and he seemed to say that it was but I was worried that it wasn't.

I was out and wondering if it was safe to run in the market. I realized that my bike didn't have brakes so I was using my feet to stop.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

preparing for flight

I was in the airport waiting for a flight. My mother had got on an earlier flight but on top of a cabinet I found her coat and mitts (black and white) and guessed that she had gone somewhere warm and that she would be needing these things when she came back.

Then I think I was at someone's house while I was waiting and I wanted to use the bathroom but there were so many people and the bathroom was out in the open. I wanted to find a more secluded one.

Then at the airport I was standing using my phone to send messages and suddenly there was a whole line behind me (not socially distanced). The line formed behind me. James and my mum were there. So I said to my mum about the things she left behind. She was surprised but she said yes. So I left them at the front to get my moms and my luggage but when I got back to the waiting room it had already been taken over by a company that was selling trinkets and the stuff was gone. There were trinkets over every surface. A guy who seemed in charge suggested they might be in the drawers but the drawers were empty. I thought I would need to fill out the lost and found paperwork.

Saturday, May 09, 2020


I was at Church working on something and I realized that I was up on the stage. I didn't want to move to draw attention to myself so I stared down while people were singing.

Also James was going out to a hockey banquet or something and Myron thought I would be left behind but I was going.

Saturday, May 02, 2020

Be prepared for anything

Bob N was worrying. There were things going on that were out of control.. Things on a plate. Things on the street.