What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A big stick


I was in Church talking about Henri in front of everyone when suddenly there was something going on out on the street and Henri ran out. I went and got her big stick. It was a bit dusty. I ran after her. I think we ended up upstairs. She was talking to someone. The pizza arrived in a dumbwaiter, one box open. There was some store that this pizza was connected with. I didn't want any pizza.

It was dry outside (though IRL it had just finished pouring rain) and I was trying to water my neighbours' lawns. First I used a watering can and watered the edges. Then I took the sprinkler out and it worked for a bit but then the water dried up. I turned the sprinkler over but that did not even help


There was a choice of textbooks you could buy for a course. If you were going to take the second part you could buy the big one but if you were only taking the first part you only needed the little one. (It may have been linear algebra) I was trying to figure out if I was going to take both parts or not.

In an ice cream place. One of the employees in a blue shirt came up to me and said hi Aphra. I did not know who she was. She said she was Tammy. She looked familiar but not as a Tammy. She had brown eyes. I said 'high school?' and she nodded. (She looked a bit like my friend Alison from St. C high school IRL)


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