What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Icey Avalon Dice

I was meeting up with people from my past. I think we hired Brian to do something in the house. Then we hired Lisa M. to move something. Joel was home with the baby. When she pulled up she put on a black coat (to keep her clothes clean?) As she was walking up to the house I left the house and got in a car. (her car?) and I was pulling it around. I couldn't pull it out if I had wanted to as there was a black vehicle (SUV?) blocking the end of the driveway, but there was still a lot of curved space to pull around. So I'm pulling around and the brakes don't seem to be working. So I pull up on what I think is the emergency brake but is actually Lisa's water bottle. Because I can't stop it I turn it away from the black SUV and am driving on the lawn (so it doesn't hit the SUV) It stops shortly after on the lawn. I explain to lisa the benefits of having and emergency brake. I said you rarely have to use it, but i've used it twice in my life. I am explaining how an emergency brake works.

Then the dream moved to this dorm. Things got really crazy. I was there to visit someone but there were these 2 girls fighting and trying to push each other in the fire. I was shouting at them not to but they were ignoring me as they were too involved in the fight. The one agressor girl did not manage to get the other girl in. Though they continued fighting and went down the stairs. For some reason I went down too. The second one did manage to get the first one in the fire down there, but they were still fighting. She was dragging the girl up the stairs. I was ahead of them. I went through the door at the top, but did not hold it open as I did not want to be close to them. I thought she might be upset because I did not leave the door open for her. I took off running and went up a set of stone stairs on the other side of the building. The girls needed an emergency brake!

There was also a guy who had lots of money, many millions and was trying to give it away.


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