I woke up at 4am after this dream and after trying for an hour to get back to sleep decided to get up, write it down and start my work. The sky is lightening already, the birds are singing and the breeze is fresh. Oh, why would anyone want to be sleeping at 5am?
There were 2 apartment buildings. There was a bomb in one. How did I know? In the courtyard there was a countdown timer. The timer was reading 08(I'm not sure if this was seconds or minutes) when I started to take action. There was noone else around. I took the countdown timer off the wall and wound all the wires up around it. When I got to the bottom there was a remote control device. My first thought was to hide it, but where I was, it was rather barren, so I couldn't find a good hiding place and I did not hide it. I took a good look at the remote control device. There were two buttons at the bottom. The second one looked like it had a stop symbol over it. The time was coming for the counter to get to 0 (though I no longer could see the counter, I just knew this) So I decided to press the 'stop' button before the device got to zero. I pressed the button and there was a boom as the first building blew up. I waited a while and nothing else seemed to happen, though the dust and ash from the first building was all over where I was. I put the remote control device away and went back to my room, which was in the building that had not blown up. As I was in my room, I began to understand what had happened. There were 2 bombs. They were both wired to go off when the timer hit 0. I had set off the one bomb by pushing the remote control device, but the other bomb was in my building and had not (yet) gone off. I deduced the bombs were set in the chapels. I am not sure about if I had not pushed the device if neither bomb would have gone off, or if both bombs would have.
As I was sitting in my room, the rescue team arrived via the window (which is also how I had gotten in). But they were a terribly suspiciious rescue team, not so worried about my welfare but if I had done something wrong. Or maybe I knew that I had set off the bomb in building 1 and was feeling guilty so it seemed like they were suspicious but really they weren't. They asked to look at the ash on my shoes, so they knew that I came from the outside. I didn't know who to tell that I thought there was a second bomb that might go off. I didn't trust the rescuers.
Edited to add at 11am the News reported: NYC building collapses after blast, fire (ambulances and rescue units responded about 8:40 a.m)
When I sent the dream early this morning to Al I noted something about NYC
Edited to add at 6pm they were reporting that noone was killed.
"This could have been an even worse disaster than it already is," Fire Chief Scoppetta said.
Am feeling a bit better now. Why am I still up?
story link