What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Annoying little things

The end of the dream (before James woke me up) was quick flashes of little annoying things. The first one was wallpaper that didn't quite come together and look right. Then there were flashes of other daily annoyances, I think maybe a big truck idling. An interesting slide show it made for.

Earlier in the dream I was extolling my happiness in James' sleeping pattern from 8pm-6am

Yesterday I dreamt I went to a hotel and the bathroom wasn't clean. The tub was FULL of dirty water- right to the top. The rest of the bathroom was equally dirty.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Earth Rising

I was walking with someone and it was first thing in the morning. I looked and I could see the sun, but it seemed smaller and further away. I could also look up and see the Earth. Odd, I thought that I can see the Earth when I am ON the Earth, so I asked the person with me and she assured me it was just an optical illusion and so I was o.k. for a bit, but I knew deep down that wasn't the truth.

There was a volcano that was hollowed out with tunnels and so was a bit of a maze. There were 3 tunnels to take you to the top and 3 tunnels to take you down. A lot of running, going up one and down another. There were boxes in one, someone moving.

Anne was talking to me about my course. Maybe we were in a library.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Doctor, Doctor

I was in a school.
I had to choose what to wear to school- I chose a T-shirt that was black and white. One of the colours was the baase for the T-shirt and one was the stencil. The stencil was of a cat in some grass. The stencil was on both the front and the back of the shirt.
There was some sort of competition. Pam told me she had got my entry. I asked how many entries there were. She said mine was the only one. But it really was early yet as there was still lots of time for others to enter the contest.
There was a doctor in the school. I'm not sure what he was doing there. Maybe he was the prize for the contest. I think it was complicated, so I'm not remembering.

Dreaming about a doctor may represent a need for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Society

There were 4 ladies from the Church who were part of a society. Pam and Rhonda I remember as being there.
There was a building I was in and different society members were doing different things. They seemed to 'get' each other and all knew all the rules. I didn't know the rules and I asked a question of one guy (the society was not an all female society) and apparently it was not an appropriate question because he punched me in the mouth.
I tried to learn their rules and keep their rules.
Then it started to rain outside.
The building had roads as part of it.
As it rained the roads started filling up with water, but the cars kept driving.
I was in a car with Brian driving.(Brian is my best friends ex-boyfriend and he was instrumental in my becoming a Christian) The water got so high that the car's motor conked out. He tried to reverse up to another road that wasn't so waterlogged and shake the water out of the motor.

A note on the punch. It surprised me when I woke up, because I don't often dream of personal violence. A dream dictionary suggests that "Violent dreams are relatively common and may be a reflection of the confusion and conflict that the dreamer experiences in daily life". (http://www.dreamloverinc.com) I don't think the dream itself was a violent one really but that punch may have been referring back to a meeting I had last night, where maybe I did feel punched in the mouth and confused!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Make- your- own

A Rustle dream:

We (Annette and I and a couple of other people) were in the supermarket stocking up on supplies for Rustle. Everything we were buying was of a make-your-own variety. We bought yellow jello with big bird on the box. We bought make-your-own beer in a bag (why does this NOT sound like a good idea?) Those are the 2 things I specifically remember, though I know we bought a lot of things that involved a person doing the making- hopefully the other things we bought were more nutricious than jello and beer!

We went out to the parking lot to get picked up with our groceries and we waited and waited. Apparently, there was some miscommunication about either the time to pick up or who was picking us up. (Miscommunication? Rustle must be a true child of Next!)

Then we were making muffins. We were using non-stick pans but they were still sticking to the bottom. We just continued on though because we knew they were supposed to be non-stick, even though they weren't. A tall girl I did not knew came and took over the baking and added muffin cups so they would not stick to the bottom. They turned out wonderfully after she showed up!

Then there was a journal-type book lying open on a new page. The words I heard while looking at it were to start a fresh page at Rustle.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

On a journey

Clara had packed up my things in her truck and I had to repack them into my car. There were large tote boxes and a flat long box that was heavy. Most things were heavy. It was surprising the amount of things that could fit in my car.

I was travelling around as part of a team. I was in a modern looking church (ya, just after I told Lorna I hadn't dreamt about a church building before! that'll teach me) for a meeting on youth. There were some people from my Church who were on my team, but we were a long way from home. I didn't recognize any of the people on my team. The last girl to sit down was on my team. She was tall with dark hair and was pear shaped. She had difficulty walking. I think Jared and Kathy were there too, but I don't think they were on one of the teams, I think they were moderating the meeting.
Working out how to get home was tricky because there was a narrow bridge to pass over.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I was up a lot in the night and this led to a lot of dreams!
There were 2 beds in a large room. They were arranged head to toe in the center of the room. There was an older boy there- a few years older than James. He was sleeping in the first bed. James and I and a baby were sleeping in the second. I could not see the third. James wanted to go and sleep with his friend. I said o.k. but if they were talking and not sleeping then he would have to come back to me. He went over to the other boy and lay right beside him- like he lies when he comes to see me in the morning, which a mama might appreciate but a boy might now. Luckily it seemed like the boy was asleep and did not mind. The quilts in this dream were fabulous. I wish Sandy could have seen them!

There was a trouble wall. There were 26 rectangles on the wall that you could push if you needed help. They were all decorated differently and seemed to mean something.

Myron and I were in another city for something to do with his work, maybe he had an exam or something. So he was away during the dream doing that. I was in some posh place, on a balcony maybe? I was sitting beside Hanna and Jon. I asked them how they were. They made a sign like an "I" (straight line down) at their necks. We were staying at a hotel/motel elsewhere and I had to decide how much to tip the cleaning staff. I had to decide if we wanted to stay an extra night after myrons exam was done or if we wanted to drive home. It depended on how tired myron would be

Friday, July 21, 2006


Dreamt that a falcon swooped down and became James' 'mom'
I was following them around.
She had a white nest she took him to and she was feeding him.
He could still talk to me and all, but she took him when she wanted and her feeding was more important.

Also, I was in a department store with my Mom and she wanted to buy 3 things. One was an overcoat that was on for about $18 and I looked and saw it was on sale for about $13. (I forgot about this during the dream and was surprised when it actually rung up $13 when we went to pay) There was also a kitchen item and I don't remember what the 3rd thing was. But when we went to pay there was noone there. Apparently the guy who normally manned the cash had stayed up late partying and had not made it in to work that morning. There were plenty of other employees there who were very helpful, but they could not do the cash as that was the particular guys job. So I started scanning the items myself. The first 2 came up no problem but the third one was hard to scan. The other employees were helpful. One using white out on the tag. The check out guy finally came back and explained that he had left something in the nightclub and had to go back to get it before he came to work.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

More funeral dreams

I had a funeral dream May 4 and another one a couple of weeks ago and yet another Tuesday night. I am way behind at getting my dreams down as I've been pretty swamped at work, meaning leaving early in the morning. (no time to get the dreams down!)

A black cloth covered casket with a man in it were coming down a hill. Maybe it had wheels. The travelling was not difficult. All around was green grass, no paths. As it came to the bottom on the hill it turned. Something, maybe a child's toy was thrown in. It kept going, away from me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I only remember fragments from last night

At a restaurant, I wouldn't order the magic toast because I thought we would order enough ($40) to get free magic toast.
Sandy saying "Pray before the meeting and pray after the meeting"
I was handing out something in the hallway

Friday, July 14, 2006


I was trying to get into a house. I didn't own the house but the owners were with me. This was not a normal house where I was trying to get in the front door. No. I had to climb all the way up to the attic door, and the owners showed me how you had to unlock one part and then you could push the second door open. I was surprised by that, that there would be no second lock. But it was overall a very difficult house to get into.

Most dream interpretations agree that houses symbolize our emotional and psychological selves. So it would appear that I have a difficult self to get into, even for myself. I would agree with that, I haven't been sharing much of myself with anyone recently. I think it may be a backlash effect from the Church in a box closing, which was a very safe community to share yourself in. I think I am feeling the withdrawl from that. (Not to say I think the Box closing was a bad thing, I think it was absolutely the right thing to do at the right time. Time to move. But it still was a very special community to loose)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Doctor's Office

There was a big doctor's office. I think I went in and out the front bit a few times. James and Myron were waiting outside. The last time I took one of the elevators up. There was a tall bald man in the elevator talking to me about family heredity. I was smiling and nodding, but not telling him what I really thought. When the elevator stopped we weren't really sure what floor we were on. I wanted the 4th floor. The door opened and we peered out. One way it was really hard to tell what floor it was because the numbers on the doors were angled away and too hard to read, but looking the other way, I could see how to get to the doctor's office, so I left the elevator. There was something funny about how the 4th and 5th floors were joined. I went into the open concepty type office where noone really had any offices and tried to make an appointment. I had to get the right lady, but I did it. I think the appointment was for 2 things- one about the lipoma on my back, but I don't remember what the other was.

Monday, July 10, 2006


I woke up at 4am after this dream and after trying for an hour to get back to sleep decided to get up, write it down and start my work. The sky is lightening already, the birds are singing and the breeze is fresh. Oh, why would anyone want to be sleeping at 5am?

There were 2 apartment buildings. There was a bomb in one. How did I know? In the courtyard there was a countdown timer. The timer was reading 08(I'm not sure if this was seconds or minutes) when I started to take action. There was noone else around. I took the countdown timer off the wall and wound all the wires up around it. When I got to the bottom there was a remote control device. My first thought was to hide it, but where I was, it was rather barren, so I couldn't find a good hiding place and I did not hide it. I took a good look at the remote control device. There were two buttons at the bottom. The second one looked like it had a stop symbol over it. The time was coming for the counter to get to 0 (though I no longer could see the counter, I just knew this) So I decided to press the 'stop' button before the device got to zero. I pressed the button and there was a boom as the first building blew up. I waited a while and nothing else seemed to happen, though the dust and ash from the first building was all over where I was. I put the remote control device away and went back to my room, which was in the building that had not blown up. As I was in my room, I began to understand what had happened. There were 2 bombs. They were both wired to go off when the timer hit 0. I had set off the one bomb by pushing the remote control device, but the other bomb was in my building and had not (yet) gone off. I deduced the bombs were set in the chapels. I am not sure about if I had not pushed the device if neither bomb would have gone off, or if both bombs would have.
As I was sitting in my room, the rescue team arrived via the window (which is also how I had gotten in). But they were a terribly suspiciious rescue team, not so worried about my welfare but if I had done something wrong. Or maybe I knew that I had set off the bomb in building 1 and was feeling guilty so it seemed like they were suspicious but really they weren't. They asked to look at the ash on my shoes, so they knew that I came from the outside. I didn't know who to tell that I thought there was a second bomb that might go off. I didn't trust the rescuers.

Edited to add at 11am the News reported: NYC building collapses after blast, fire (ambulances and rescue units responded about 8:40 a.m)
When I sent the dream early this morning to Al I noted something about NYC
Edited to add at 6pm they were reporting that noone was killed.
"This could have been an even worse disaster than it already is," Fire Chief Scoppetta said.
Am feeling a bit better now. Why am I still up?
story link

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Subway

I was living in the Subway. In the dream I don't think I was ever outside. I went to work by subway and the classroom was in the subway station. I was teaching something to do with computers and music. I had a book to follow to help me teach, but it often didn't make sense. Martin Duncan was teaching on of the classes and I tried to express this to him, but he just thought I was unprepared. I went back to try to read it again.
All social things I went to by subway. I met Clara. There had been a gymnast who was injured and Clara was working on rehabilitating her. I tried to get her to explain to me what was wrong and she tried, but I just couldn't understand it.
There was one stop where all these old people kept getting of at. They filled up this ski shop because they were offering some deal that if you buy something you could win a trip to visit your family. All these people were very eager and had packed the ski shop full. That's a bit incomprehesible too isn't it?
At another stop, Pam was trying to get furniture on the subway.
At another stop, I had lunch with Al.
At another stop, I had to wait to get on the subway becasue they were washing it right at the platform.

I think the dream has to do with a conversation I had yesterday that I didn't understand.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Had a dream about a strong man pushing a rocket ship. He was going to launch it over the water. At first he was pushing downhill, so he wasn't doing too badly, but then the path he was on went straight up. He was still pushing. At one point the rocketship seemed to stop- it was like it was almost hanging in the air- it could go either way- up or down. But he kept pushing until it got to the lip and it was slightly airborn- then he used his 2 big hands and pushed and the rocketship was over the water and the rockets were firing and the ship was off.
Inside, I was one of the 3 crew. The crew was sweating and complaining how hot it was, but *perspective* people- we weren't the ones doing the work!

This dream could refer to Rustle, and it is God pushing us and setting the rocket ship of Rustle free. Which is good, in that we want God to be the one in charge of the project, not us. (as long as He goes in the rocketship with us!) But if we think we are the ones doing the work, we are mistaken. However, being in the rocketship is truly a risk, especially considering the manner of launching!

It could also apply to me, for a while now, I've felt like I was walking straight uphill with a burden. Maybe the time is coming for me to launch my burden?

Maybe it means both.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hanging from a thread

I was climbing up a road with some other people. We stopped for Kim's Mom. She came out and stated screaming at us. We went around her and did not answer her. She was behaving too badly, we needed to get out of there. We drove around her car and kept going up. Then we were walking again and the road suddenly gave out under me. I was clinging to the road, hanging over the other people. I didn't realize how high up we were. I kept telling everyone gathered below that I was having trouble breathing. I thought I was going to pass out. They were just looking up, concerned, but not doing anything. What was holding the road up? I couldn't see that high up.

Does it mean the rug will be pulled out from under me? Maybe
Does it have to do with Joanna leaving? Maybe. Her leaving leaves me feeling alone.

Edited to add: After telling Kim about the dream, she said that a couple of days ago she had just remembered a dream she had about her Mom doing crazt things, so the timing of my dream was interesting.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Community laundry with no basket

I woke up at 2:30am to ponder this dream for an hour (it was also cold- the temperature dropped dramatically overnight)

There was a laundromat with glass doors. You could see the four washers- side loaders- 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top. My laundry was in one of the washers. Another lady was washing her clothes and her stuffed racoon. When you were done the wash- and the washers were huge- you had to take the wash over to the side wall where side loading dryers waited (with no basket). It cost $.25 to dry a load. If you weren't there when your washer was finished then someone would put your laundry in the dryer for you and pay the fee. Because there were no baskets and you had to drag your clothes across the room your clothing often got mixed with the clothing of others.

(this dream followed a meeting we had last night of a community church. we are moving into a new neighbourhood and using a servant model. It will be fun mixing laundry with new people)

James would also like me to mention yesterdays dream with a train driving in the shadow of a cliff. I never dreamt about trains until I had this boy!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Missing the plane

I was in Holland and was ready to travel back. My cases were packed and I knew when the plane left, but for some reason I thought I wasn't sure so I didn't get on the right bus. Instead, I went to sleep. In the morning, I realized I had missed the plane and I called the airport and they said it was no problem to switch my ticket to the next day. No charge. My mom and Lorna were with me and we all missed the plane.

In another dream, I was in another city where the houses were so brightly coloured. It was hot and sandy, kind of a middle eastern, but with a clean and modern feel. There was a guy who met me there- I think I was there to help his sister. I went into a huge building, that might have been a factory, that was growing things. Then I was at an apartment. There were steps missing to get up, so James and I had to jump in places. We were trying to help the people in the apartment. I think we were trying to stay undetected. There were people who did not want us in the country.