What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


There was a serious jumping on the bed contest very high up. I was competing against some other girl. You had to climb up to the top bunk first and then jump as high as you can. I had started jumping and she was still working to pull herself up, but you knew she was good for a comeback!

After the jumping, there was a lot of running through the house to get away from someone with a gun. (I attribute this to watching CSI before bed last night!)I would go into different rooms trying to be a moving target.

Then out to the fire escape. There was a family of racoons on the fire escape and the babies fell through the grate, trying to get away. There were little babies as well as 'teenage' racoons. I was looking down at them and I was happy to see they were all right after their land on the ground. The mom slid down the fire escape to be with her babies. THat made a lot of noise.

I'm going away for a week, I'll be sure to write down my dreams and post them later!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Trains, planes, boats and missile ranges

Lots of transportation in this one Clint!

I was at the station to test out the train or plane that James was going to go in. My dad was there too, though he wasn't going on the test run.
I think it was supposed to be a plane, but it ran a lot like a train.
At the station it was pretty crazy with all the anxious people.
But when we took off, the apparent danger was that we were travelling through a new U.S. test missile range. They said it was harmless and we were safe, but we could see the lights of the missiles and sure didn't FEEL safe, even if maybe we were.

Then there was a boat trip. I don't remember where the boat was going, but the coastline looked very Niagara region. There was a store was passes that has a little water entranceway beside it. As we drove past, we could see that behind it was this floating gas station.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I dreamt about Andrea. There were so many expectations put on her that she would serve Christmas dinner at the Ambassador, but she didn't want to she wanted to be home with her family, so she said no. Everyone was shocked because they thought she liked it, but she didn't.

I was in Holland, where they were making fun of me for driving under 100km/hr when everyone else drove 140. I was just like - I can't drive any faster! I had a job there and had to pick up some things. I was working with Barbara. There was rain and the tickets were getting soggy.

I dreamt that someone had broken in and stolen the food at Rustle. We came and we were sad that they had broken in but we put it back together and cleaned up and re-stocked. We were looking out the window and saw his car come back (the one whole stole the food had a very nice distinctive car). Some people went to the window to look, but I went to the phone and called 9-1-1 to tell them that someone might be trying to break in. The policeman on the phone was telling me that there was no cause for alarm. I certainly thought there was. But because there were so many people (so much light) at Rustle, the thief went away.

Also dreamt James had all this goop on his eyes and I was trying to take it off. Huge chunks of it and it was vaguely furry.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

In the blood

There were 2 people who were trying to switch identities with each other. They switched birthdays and other relevant information, so on the paper lists they looked like the other. The were both building walls underground. The walls had their blood in it. There was something hidden in the blood by one of them.
There were also things hidden in the Christmas tree. Someone was taking the pinecones off for analysis.
There was some kind of rotting green root under the tree that I picked up that was gooey. I wanted to throw it out.

Also a dream about order and chaos.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Dreamt I was teaching my class and it was the project experiment week (this upcoming week). I was annoyed because some students still had last years' lab manual. You must buy this years lab manual. The room was different. An enclsed room instead of 2 adjoining ones that I have in RL. Some students were working individually and there were some groups. A TA called me to the back because one of the groups was done. She really embarrassed the student by calling me over saying she was the first done. The problem was that she was working in a group and her other group member (Moid) was not there. He would have to work on his own. The student was a very smart girl. She was crying because she had been embarrassed though.

I did some driving in my dream. I don't generally drive often in my dreams but I did quite a lot last night. I did a long drive without my glasses on! And then I was driving away from RMC, up the hill and these people on the sidewalk were yelling derogatory things at me (don't remember about what) and I stuck my toungue out at them. Immediately after I did it, I thought that wasn't a very mature thing to do!

Then I had to drive through some sort of construction in downtown Kingston, it was very confusing. Hard to tell what they were working on and where to go.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lost kitty

James or Myron had a real kitty. Grey, I think.
It played in the house, but then it was lost. We couldn't find it anywhere in the house. Did it run away?

I was biking as some part of maybe an Amazing Race or maybe that was the people behind me. I was biking along the road and then went to make a left turn and the girl biking behind me was so close, I think I said some worning that I would turn and then I turned and it was a steep hill. It had gravel on it. That seemed to surprise me. I got off the bike to walk up the hill (It was very steep) and the other girl did too. When we got to the top there was a picnic table with food. Not sure if it was just for racers or not.A nice area to rest.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I was up on the top of a set of metal stairs. I had come up the stairs and I was away from them. There were other people and children around. In general, the children did not seem very careful around the stairs. They were playing on them. And they were high and metal. We kept having to rescue them. Leevon was hanging from the railing. He was happy but we had to pull him in.
Rachel's boy had a notebook with all these intricate designs in them but Jason said they were just fantasies. He felt misunderstood.
There were other people in the dream who felt misunderstood. One about gifts. One about how she was helping people.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Falling from the sky

The setting for this was Brock University. I had another bad night thanks to a 4 yo up in the night. If it's not one thing it's another!
I met some people at a auditorium in Brock where they were holding a Church service.
They knew who I was but I didn't know who they were.
It was night when I went to visit them. Lisa was leading me through in the dark.
Some people had been hurt (not physically)

One family living in a house with a pool has hired a guy to check on their daughters boyfriend. He was a busdriver. I thought he was checking on another guy. I was in shoppers drug mart, in the line but trying to get my money out or something and when I looked up the guy had closed his line. I had an eatmore bar (checked for trans fat), a TO Star and one other thing that I just left because I didn't want to get in the other line.

Later it was day and I was walking with James and there was a giant black circular thing that fell out of the sky behind us. It fell straight down with a crash. Then there was a helicopter type of thing. It was white. It started to make a funny noise. I was running with James for cover. We saw the white thing come down in a parking lot or maybe a runway, but it was spinning and out of control so we still tried to keep out of the way. We were o.k.. Then we started heading back to where the black thing had landed. We had to go over railway tracks and we checked to make sure there was no debris on them because the trains wouldn't have known what happened. The tracks were clear.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I woke up around 2am in the night and seemed to be in and out of dreams from then. I couldn't tell when I was asleep and when awake, but when I was awake, I kept thinking 'oh I should write that dream down!' so we'll see what of 4 hours of dreams I remember!

I was sleeping in a large room. I don't recognize the room (in RL). There were 2 beds in the room. Myron and I were sleeping in one bed when someone came in and got in the other bed. At first I thought it was one of my partents but then I decided that the shape was incorrect so I said to Myron who is in the other bed. Myron didn't know or didn't respons, so I turned on the light and said who are you? The young man (maybe 20) explained that his job was to keep the ladies warm (but evidently he had angered the lady he had been warming and thus he had lost his bed- this is what I surmised) There may have been the sound of ladies voices in the corridor. Upset ladies.
I got an email from Jessica (evidently one of the players friends) asking if he could stay in our room. I remember being amused because we were ASLEEP when she sent it. How could I respond?

In another dream, there was a destructive guy and he was going through a house or institution, running away, maybe trying to destroy. I was running too. I was on his side, but I wasn't with him. There was an angry mob of people. The house we were running in was a lot like a maze. When I got caught up by the people chasing, I was taken to their room. I guess of people they had caught. Most of the people were walking around flattening soft concrete with a giant concrete ball attached to a chain. It was easier on them to pick up the concrete ball and carry it, rather than have it drag behind them.

There was a dance competition between 3 ladies, though it was mainly between 2 of them for first place. THe way it was spliced, you could see one dance for a few second and then the other. They were good! But one of them wanted to use her charms or personality to win and she was talking to people, maybe judges trying to win them over with her personality, but I think it was annoying them instead. I thought the other girl would win. The first girl had won the previous year.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Niagara Falls

This was an interesting community dream:

There was a whole community that was left. It was all alone in a compound by Niagara Falls. We lived in tents. We didn't know what was outside and didn't want to find out. We were dying. But we had a grocery store. And Kim was looking for a new vacuum. There were some outside the store and some inside. She make them take all the inside ones out of the storage shelves. All of them.
The compound had windows all on one side so you could always see the falls. There was also a viewing station that looked like an airport control tower to see the Falls.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The library was a lot like Stauffer library (where I used to work). It was near the opening/start of the day. I was going through the library looking for something that people had dropped. Searching.

I was at a house that was owned by a lady in a wheelchair. I was in the house and there were a number of other people in the house, but the lady who owned it was not there. The people in the house seemed to belong there, but I knew they did not own it. George (my boss) touched my face. I was trying to explain to him that everything would be alright. Then I was in the kitchen and the lady came back. I had never met her before. The front door opened and we could see the wheelchair coming up the ramp. She came in the kitchen and took my hand to meet me. Normally people don't touch me in my dreams.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The robe

A frirnd had this lovely fancy robe. It had a thin material on the top. On the back was a square with a drawn picture of a face (I think a Japanese woman) and then flowy material around that. It was surprisingly warm. A celebrity friend saw it and borrowed it for one of her fancy parties. At the fancy parties, one of the kids came in a school uniform.

Zully had started a new business. I was helping him by driving something. I came to the traffic lights at Portsmouth and Princess coming from the Ambassador direction and it was all blocked up on the other side of the intersection. People turning right from Portsmouth could get by, but I was going straight and there was no way. The person was unloading their car, which was causing the blockage.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I was in a room writing down someone's data. I had got them from the office. Then a number of people came in the room to get the data. A TA stepped in and marked it before they could write the data and the TA wrote 'Excellent work Physics' and circled it. The new people weren't serious, were laughing.

I was mixing something in a bowl. Everybody had to put in their part and there was a supervisor watching. One part was butter, one part whipping cream and one part strawberries. One person was struggling and the supervisor was dogging her, but she wouldn't take help. Kept on working.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dance class

My family was going into a building where my dance class was giving a presentation. The door we wanted to go in was not very far from the wall so people who entered that door had to squeeze along between the window and the wall to get to where we were going. It was howver, the closest entrance to where we needed to go and going in that door meant there was the least possibility of getting lost. My dad still wanted to go in that door, but I wanted to try to find another, partly because my backpack was so big. That door had security guard walking through.

At some point in my dream my parents and I are driving towards the airport (because apparently there must be lots of gratuitus transportation in my dream. I see one airplane flying prependicular to our route either landing or taking off, I can't remember. The next plane is landing and it is flying just over us. It is bigger than a 747, maybe one of those new airplanes they've built. It flys over our car and looks fine, but then it just flips and is flying upside down. I thought is was going to crash. But it didn't it flipped over again, to become right and landed just fine.

Back to the dance story, my shirt buttons were like diamonds but there was something wrong with how they were put on. I had to fix them secretly. So I cut them off and had to resew them back on. I had to go back home to do this. The buttons all had different numbers and sizes of holes, I had no clue what it all meant and how to sew them correctly. I was back home at my childhood home on the steps up to the room I lived in trying to do this sewing. Al came to the bottom of the stairs and I talked to him, but I didn't show him that I was sewing the buttons back on.

I'm not sure where in the dream this happened or if it was related: I was living in a basement or ground level apartment. There was a cat outside that was hurt, hiding in a corner. The corner looked like the outside corner of our house now with the gas meter. I didn't want to lert the dog out because I was afraid it would hurt the cat more. Another lady had her dog in our backyard and she could control him well enough that he wouldn't hurt the cat. She convinced me to send my dog out too so the dogs could play and they wouldn't hurt the cat.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bus stop

Though this dream appears to be about a bus stop I don't actually recall seeing a bus (so does it still count as a transportation dream Clint?)

The bus stop instead of being a small little wind block was a whole little house with toys for the kids to play with. I always went to the bus stop with my bike (more transportation!) and parked it in the bus stop and then wandered around the community.
It was a bit dark in the bus stop, it was lighter outside.
There was a little boy (maybe 8yo.) showing off and he fell and hit his head bad, but he just got up like nothing had happened.
I had sold my house and we were waiting for the money to come through.
My parents and I were living in this bed and breakfast type place because the house had been sold.
It was breakfast. There was juice. I thought the 2 containers were both orange juice, so I went to pour them together, but one was grapefruit juice and I could see the colour was different going into the pitcher, so I stopped pouring. It looked like they weren't mixing/
There was piles of stuff all over because we were moving.

Most of the times when I came to the bus stop there were not many people there, but the last time there were so many people there that it was hard for me to find somewhere to park my bike.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Birmingham Airport

from Oct 29:

A group of us were there to meet a survivor. Maybe we were the ones voted off first. I spotted him. He was in this huge line. I told him he could just take the escalator down and we could make a couple of trips to get all his baggage. When we got all of his stuff collected then the group was ready to go.