What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


My mother had built into her home these really neat eco-closets. Apparently, during the summer it keeps your clothes cool and during the winter it keeps them warm, so there must have been some insulation effect going on. They felt so smooth and looked very nice. I told my mom that for all the effort, he clothes better be boiling in the winter!

(Will had a back to school anxiety dream- I consider the following on except I am anxious for James!)
I was waiting at the end of the day for James, but he didn't come for a long time, so I walked toward his class. Some of his class members had 'escaped' by not understanding the teachers instructions. I went in the classroom. They were all scared of her, but I was trying to tell them it wasn't so bad. I sat with them. She was explaining her reasoning on keeping them in.

Then we were out in a park. There was a dog there who could do multiplication tables, but didn't like me too much. Also didn't like the 9x5 question. I was telling Shieleen about how women can accomplish so much- work, take care of children, mclean the house, make dessert. When I said make dessert she took off running as she had evidently made dessert but not put it where it needed to go. She was on the other side of the pond from me. She had made some s'mores cake. She had this giant flipper to take the cake out but she mis-anticipated the strength of it and the cake went flying. Luckily, she had an equally huge pan and so she kept trying with this huge flipper trying to get a cake out, but it went flying quite a lot!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I was in a parking lot and saw there was a car and a van that had obviously been in an accident as the car was nested inside the side of the van. I thought for a moment that it was my car, but I could see it in the lot beside the accident, then was not so worried. I went inside and tried to explain the accident like I had seen it but it all didn't make sense. I couldn't explain how the car ended up like that as it wasn't backing out. It wasn't a perpendicular accident which would have been easy to explain. How do you explain a parallel accident in such a small area?

Then my parents and I and James were waiting for a bus. They were at the stop, I was wandering around. To get to the stop I had to go up a hill. The bus terminal was on a steep slope. James was standing on the bench.

Also, in another Melissa and a scale behind her with rating numbers on it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Homeless camping

There was a camping trip led by a guy. There were 2 of us girls and a guy as the 'campers'. There was an age difference between us and the leader. We were trying to stay in a homeless shelter and went to different ones around the city. Finally, the leader said at the next one we were going to call ahead so we didn't have to walk all over the city. If only he had thought of it earlier!
Once he had agreed to that, we stopped at a bathroom that had 3 stalls. I no longer saw the leader. I took the first stall that I thought had the highest walls, but the toilet was at a 45 degree angle so it was very difficult to sit on. The other girl took the second stall, which had lower walls but they were still adequate. The guy sat on a bench to the side and laughed at us.

James was using bus tickets to get around town and take girls to movies. I was walking up a steep hill and I ended up on a roof and was climbing to the next and there was a fire truck with a dog in it. I wondered if there was a real fire, how I would make it from one roof to the next. There needed to be changes!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Apartment shift

I was dropping James and AJ off at an apartment building (It looked like a big house) while I went to a concert. I think it was supposed to be the apartment on Division St. that John H. and a bunch of people from our Church live at, but it was on Charles St. where John P. lives. John P. was pretty pumped about the apartment.
I went in on the first floor and showed the young boys the door of someone who lived there. I also told them the numbers of other people who lived there.
The apartment was also a gateway to get from one street to another part of town. (second gateway dream recently!)

In real life James and AJ are too young to be dropped off unattended in an apartment.

Yesterday I dreamt about Brook. That she was helping me and I was helping her.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tracy's dad

I had a great dream in the middle of the night (12-2am) and I thought it was so good I would remember it in the morning, but that didn't happen.:(

This one I woke up from at 5:10am:
I was going to the school to visit Tracy. School ended at 3:30 and I had come at 3 but she had already left with her dad. The next day I came a few minutes earlier and beat her dad and got to see her and tried to steer her away from him.
I think there were raspberry danishes in the dream. (Yum!)

In real life Tracy's dad died when she was 16.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


In my dream, we bought 131 Kingscourt. Then I realized we had to sell our place in a month. I hoped the online selling site would go well because I didn't want an agent.

There was lots and lots of rain people were getting soaked.

James and I were on the upper bunk of a bunk bed and I was getting him some crackers. The package was already open. So I called down to Myron and asked if he had opened them and he said something about me talking about hot dogs or something and that he thought it was time to eat. I guess that was a yes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Between 5:10 and 5:35am

I went to have lunch with my boss. After we were done we went into the kitchen and there were heaps and heaps of dirty dishes. There were other people in the kitchen, some helping. The plates were white with a green rim. I wanted to help.
We were at a military school. There was a door I had to go through. It was guarded by 2 big dogs, 2 little dogs and 2 guinea pigs. When I went up to the door, the big dogs came after me first. Someone (my boss or Bob) called them off and I walked through. They had to settle the animals.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


James was late to daycare (about an hour and a half- 10:30am). Polly was a bit upset. My mother brought him to the door. Polly explained that he was late. I knew he slept in. Asked how many times he was allowed to be late. Polly said not more than 3 times a week. Well he only goes 3 times a week. My mom felt bad though. She wrote an emotional letter and then sent an email that was more legally based- a refutation.

(for the record, the daycare doesn't care if the children are late in real life)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wrong crackers

It was snack time. Another lady was feeding her child goldfish type crackers and I was feeding mine unshaped crackers. She looked at me with great pity and I felt bad that I wasn't feeding my child the 'right' crackers.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I saw a cylinder tube thing on a base. It had little tabs that kept it attached to the base. I woke up and felt this meant that thought I look fragile, I am in fact solid and unbreakable (because the tabs were in)

I had a first aid kit. I also had some friends who thought they might be pregnant but weren't sure. So I sent Myron to get the kit as apparently it also had pregnancy tests. Tracey, Sarah Bae.. and one other (all 3 I think were done having kids in real life!)

Monday, August 11, 2008


We were working for Rustle. Food was given out. Shari had a bowl of coconutty looking stuff for me but she dropped it. Then she did up an even bigger bowl and dropped it again. I decided to pick it up from the ground and eat it.

There was a strange looking guy coming up the road. I waved at him. He wanted to help. He wanted to give. I asked if the financial books were done so he could give. But they weren't, so he couldn't.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


location: my classroom/lab

I sent my students away for 5 minutes while I got stuff set up. There were 2 labs running. One was quicker than the other. The one with the bar was shorter so I was going to intro the other one first.

Friday, August 08, 2008


location: down at Queens with snow

I learned how to move a crane with weights on it. It was not a very big job but one I could do. Mike G. was helping me, even though, it was a small enough job that I really didn't need help.

Lesley was there. Either she or a friend (they were both there- Shannon?) said something about not doing something just because it worked before. She gave me a circular sled (inner tube type thing) and she said people who used this before would just jump on and go down. But there was a big ice jam about it and I had to remove it before I got in the sled. I removed it by shaking it upside down, then I got in and went down but used my feet to stop it when I saw there was something blocking the slide. There were people working on an engine or something- difficult tasks.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


I was taking a bus to James' daycare. I was really confused about which stop to get off at. I got off just after the daycare. I asked for a transfer as I was getting off, but there I was confused too- I had nowhere to transfer to! it was silly to ask for one.

I was driving. I thought I had turned down Victoria St. but the look of the houses was all wrong so I knew I was wrong. I was going to turn at the next intersection, but that never came. It turned out that I wasn't on a street at all- just a laneway between houses. Luckily, I had a small car. I reached the end and turned around.

I was walking through the snow. There was a guy who was holding my hand to guide me. I said I was lucky I wore boots today as the snow was so deep. I looked and he was only wearing shoes and yet he was helping me. Sometimes, by puddles we got stuck because we weren't sure who was doing what.

I was at Rustle but it had not been closed up properly. There was a dead baby downstairs. This guy blew in and said it hadn't been closed up properly and pulled one of the metal protective grates down (the one for the stairs). I pulled the grate down in front of a door. There was a scary guy outside. I had to call somebody. (he had been banned from Rustle)

I went downstairs at Rustle and there were all these ladies in white T-shirts and they were selling the stuff from the store everyday. They were from a close out company. That was their job.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I have a dream backlog from my trip to St. Catharines. I am posting them with the date that I had the dream.

I came to pick James up but he didn't want to go. A lady there (looked like Linda P.) rolled her eyes saying that this is what children do. I was trying to get him ready- put new shoes on him but he wasn't listening to me. I could see 2 pairs of feet behind us so I knew that other people were waiting for us and I tried to get him to hurry on, but he really wasn't listening and I was trying to tie his shoe at the same time.

I dreamt of a friend at a T junction, waving at me, then turning.

James dreamt about a castle and a white team and a purple team were playing tag. The white team won.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Gatekeeper of souls

(as soon as I awoke, I had the title for this post, but the dream has so many little pieces, like a puzzle, that make sense, but I'm not sure that writing them down will make sense, if you know what I mean. I'm going to try, but I suspect that will be out of order)

The main focus of this dream was Henri's apartment. She was the gatekeeper for number of other apartments that were down the hallway from her apartment. But this wasn't a normal apartment where people come and go at will. Healthy people. No, these people were so weak they couldn't get out of their rooms. Sometimes there was a feeble knock. Sometimes a thin waif flitted by Henri. As her apartment was the only way to the outside world. Henri knew them all. Henri knew everything that was going on. She was their overseerer.

I was opening my mothers' art to hand on her wall. They were in these wooden frames, some of them quite giant. I did not see the art, just the frames that were so wooden and intricate. I was taking the wrapping off and wondering how we were going to hang them on the wall as they were so big and so heavy.

My mother was looking for something to write on, looking for a blank piece but all she kept finding were my cards to her, all written in. Nothing blank.

I went up the wooden stairs to a back porch where Glen and his family had invited me for dinner. It was very good. I thanked him as he was leaving to go on the watch.

I had another lunch/dinner in another location previous, but had only been served one portion of it.

There was something about cars/traffic that I'm hoping will come back to me. When I think of it, I keep coming back to the traffic intersection from my last dream where you can over see the traffic that is rushing around and know who is in each vehicle, etc.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


I was a dancer in a production. There was a guy playing "Bubba".

After the dance I had to run some errands. I went to a coffee shop type place to change. I think I put my pants in my backpack, but somewhere along the way (maybe even in the coffee shop) I loose my backpack and thus my pants (I'm wearing shorts)

I go to a bank and there also I seem to have lost something. The manager pulled out a drawer of keys to see if I recognized anything. I said that what I was looking for had a letter and 4 numbers after it. Then I started telling him about this super strong chapstick that they used to sell. He looked doubtful. I explained how it made your lips sting with the strength of the medicine in it. I left without any. They didn't sell it anymore.

I walked along the grassy section by the road past the bank (there were no sidewalks) until I came to the intersection. At the intersection there was a traffic flow camera and on the camera you could tell with a pointer what each vehicle was. It was so interesting watching the traffic flow that I almost forgot to cross!

Then I think I was at my parents home, but it didn't look like their home. I realized by backpack was missing and decided I had to go and look for it, but I wasn't planning on coming back after looking for the backpack so I had to pack things up. I was packing up a LOT. It took a long time.

Then I was back at the dance studio for a new dance. The guy who was playing "Bubba" in the previous dance came in all sweaty and carrying his bag. I asked him very incredulously if he was doing the 50s dance? (I don't know why I was so incredulous as Bubba doesn't seem to be a character that would NOT fit in a 50s dance) He said he was but not as Bubba. He said "I hate Bubba. Bubba is a liar"
(Don't put people in a box. The role they play may not be the role they are always meant to play. They may not even LIKE their role)