I was at someone's apartment (maybe Lesley?). There were quite a few people there. We talked about the fire over the way. It was getting late and we needed to pack up. Myron kept telling me how late it was. We wanted to help.
We walked out of the apt. and there was an outdoor full kitchen. They were very busy there preparing food for those who had been affected by the fire. I had things to bring. A black lady had told me to carry her hot water bottles when I asked if I could help. I didn't know where the location of the fire had been, so I asked in the kitchen. They gave me instructions. It was on the inside of a catholic church. There was a sanctuary and then similar looking apartments on the side. It was one of the apartments where there was the fire. The wood was so pretty. When I got to the location of the burnt apt., I don't know what I was expecting, but there was a line up of people. I wanted to leave the hot water bottles and some of my money.
Al had put up a beautiful memorial plaque for a lady who had died (not in the fire). It was really, really nice. It had a picture in the back and some words printed on the picture about the lady. Part of one word was an umbrella to symbolize the gardener. Then Al had this collection (of doors?) that he wanted to take on tour for 5 years to Casablanca.
(I woke up thinking - Al - 5 years?- Casablanca? What are you thinking?)
ETA: I was really pleased with myself when I woke up from this dream- like I had progressed. Also, it seems to the the second in my series of Al.What.Were.You.Thinking dreams. Which is an odd series because in real life, i normally totally agree with how he thinks.