What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Headpiece and shoes

Kim was going to make me a headpiece. For this I went into the bathroom to take pictures of my head line. I gave her old pictures too.

I was looking at daycares and there was one on something like first St. and I asked michelle where that was and she didn't know at first, but then we figured out that it was in the low income housing area.

Church was set up like church in a box and ron and franceen were back. I was pleased by this. A number of their family were there and there were taped pieces of family members that weren't there. They had all been asked what they would do if they had some extra money. One of the things that they ALL answered was they would buy new shoes.
Ephesians 6:15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I was at a concert with some girlfriends. Maybe Clara and Claire. It was the opening act. After that act, we got on a bus with the second group. The group was carrying all their luggage or gear in long thin metal rectangular containers on wheels. They were supposed to fit in compartments under the bus, but some had brought them on the bus. It was a short bus trip around the arena. Maybe to a second entrance.

After the concert the concert goers went to this park.(private for concert goers at this time) You got there through a large white elevator down to the park. The first family had a child in a wheelchair. There was a newspaper=type thing you could pick up that had the info for a free phone line. We tried it when we got home and we had to dial through buffalo for it.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I made a pot of rice to give someone but when I had it in my hand and was about to leave to give it, I second guessed myself. Give someone rice and nothing else? What about a vegetable. I think I did not give the dish.
(this dream may have been inspired by watching them eat only rice on survivor the night before!)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


A plane exploded. Then they were taking another Aliant plane by ship somewhere. It had to go through a straight. The engines hung off the side of the ship. One engine touched the land, caught fire and snapped off. Maybe they both did. The germans wanted the engines to analyse them. I was on the bank and had picked one (part?) up and put it in a garbage bag. It was still hot because it had been on fire so the garbage bag melted a bit. I started going up the hill. There was a man at the top of the hill who wanted the engine. I gave him my garbage bag. He was the quiet one working for the boss. You never suspect the quiet ones!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I was on a team (at work, I think) and had called a team meeting in the boss' office. (maybe greg's) I was in the office talking to the boss. He seemed really uninterested in what I was saying but I was trying to make a point. I kept saying the same thing over and over and it was quite clear in my brain in my dream that I felt quite stongly about this (minor) point. But he fell asleep while I was talking. While we were waiting for the team. So I went to call the team to change the location as I wasn't sure how long he would sleep. But 15 minutes later he was up playing with a cat.

Another team told me they would be in the other office and they explained in detail where that was, even though I already knew.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stoppered up

In the basement of Rustle there were all these toilets (which would be a yay but-) that were stoppered up with clothing. All of the toilets were unusable. There was no cleansing available.

I was in the attic, picking up things. The dirt and dust was so thick.

A younger version of Fred G. looking to me for answers.

Seeing Joe on the stairs with an older lady and a dark haired girl. But then I looked again and it wasn't him after all.

I had 2 names when I woke up- one Rich Cameron. The other name slipped away. I was in a hurry to get to work in the morning and so did not write my dream down!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cats will never be human

My dream had a lot of walking around in it down near Queen's. I was with James.
There was a woman there who had a number of houses. One of her cats lived in one and one lived in the other. But she wouldn't sell the houses because she thought the cats needed the space. She also had some ideas about inheritance. I tried to explain to her that that the cats would never give her human offspring to give the inheritance to. It was just logical.
I was in a testing center. You could see 2 graphs about me. One was really harsh and spiky and one was more of a curve, showing I am more of a calm person? I also stood on a scale to see my weight but instead the temperature came up. 80.

Also in the POOL HALL post, my interpretation on the was that we were not going to get a second shed, and true enough they were out when Myron went to buy one.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


For some reason Marla and Aunt Cora showed up unexpectedly at our place, though the layout of the place was different. We were all surprised. Myron went and locked himself in the shower. I went into the back bedroom to get somethng. Marla followed me. She was wearing a white top and was taller than me. I put my hand out to keep her away. I said no, she couldn't come in.

Aunt cora was cleaning. I thought, well at least this is my busy week and I won't notice them there so much

Later, another dream I went to France, but all I wanted to do was read a book. At one point James and I went to the beach. I realized I was still wearing my black pants and I went off to find something to change into.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Pool Hall

We wanted to buy a pool hall as an outreach center. A ball went in the hole. God's hand was with us to buy the hall. But then we wanted a second. The ball would not go in. God's hand was not with us.

I went into the children's room. The floor was a light wood. There were toys all over the floor. I could have cleaned up the floor myself, but I brought the girl in and tried to make it fun for her to help me clean up.

Rachel had just been off on a trip, brought us something.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


I dreamt about Tanya twice. Something about fruit. Maybe a trip to the grocery store.
My neighbour got home at 3:15 in the morning and I had a hard time getting back to sleep again. (I think it was my mom who said -it's saturday night!) When I wake up then, I just feel like my sleep is done, even though I really need more!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Trading retainers

There were a lot of parts of dream, I'm not sure I'll be able to write them in any order.

I was on the bus with my bike. I was glad they let me on the bus with it instead of it having to go on the front of the bus. There was another guy with a bike who wanted to get on using the back doors, just pulling them open. A lady wanted to transfer on to the Amherstview which was just in front of us. She thought it was just pulling out so she called to the bus driver to stop it, but he told her it was just pulling in.

I was with a woman who was looking at buying houses. She was taking notes. I told her about a bank or company that had saved up 50,000 to build a new condo. Another lady who was looking wanted to trade notes with her. Their teenage daughters were there. They wanted to trade retainers.

A professional photographer was trying to take pictures of James (set-up ones) and he was using my black splash pants whenever he needed some black in the picture. Some of James' friends were in the picture as well, but James was the highlight.

James and I went to a gymnastics show. After we were walking home, I realized I hadn't yet taken my camera out. It was getting dark.

Friday, September 05, 2008


My last dream was something about James going to Germany, maybe on an exchange, maybe for school.

There was a guy in a tank being interviewed (maybe for tv). He was half on a bike trail, half on the grass. The tank was like the lower half of his body. He didn't want to/couldn't get out. It was a part of who he was.

My thoughts on the tank-man dream (in the order I had them):
1. pray for the military
2. i am tank-man- I live in an everyday battle ground
3. i tanked the interview a few days back

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Danger in the castle

Standing outside the bulding. I could see through the glass people in the hallway. They tried to get down and a window broke- but I don't know if it broke from the inside or the outside. Was it terrorism?

I went in the building, on the ground floor in the laundry room. I was trying to hide. I thought about getting in a laundry machine but had not done that yet when the one I was hiding from came through the door. I was kind of off to the side so even though I wasn't hiding, she didn't see me. She was too focused on what she was doing. She rolled back the rug and opened the door in the floor and was looking down. She had colours around her.

There was another part about protecting James/job but I don't remember much from that.

Monday, September 01, 2008


Myron got up at 2:30am to go to the bathroom and I didn't get back to sleep until after 4am. This dreams seems to be a another school anxiety dream from the setting.

James and I were at his school on the first day. For some reason I was upstairs when they were doing their calling out in the gym. So then I didn't know who his teacher was. I looked in Mme. Pirrie's class (the one he had last year) but he wasn't in there. So I went down to the office to ask which class he was in, but the door to the office was closed. I was going to turn away to come back later, when I saw the in the window above the door there was a man's face. Then he came out and started chasing me. I don't know why. So I ran. I think eventually I got away. I screamed a lot. I went back to the office. This time they were open and I asked which class James was in. It took them a while to figure it out but they told me the name which was really long and I think hyphenated. I explained to them that I had been attacked, but they did not seem to take me too seriously. Melissa was beside me and I told her that I would tell Lynann about their treatment of me and that would solve things. She nodded. I told them that he had emailed me. But again they did not take me too seriously.

(being attacked in your dream can indicate that you are feeling vulnerable. Maybe I am feeling vulnerable in an area and don't feel people are taking me seriously)