What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Monday, March 26, 2007


In my dream we were moving back to the apartment where James was born. Myron's brother Ian had been either living in it or across from it and arranged for us to stay there temporarily while we were getting a new place. It was just after lunch and James said he was tired and he was going to ask at one of the houses across the street if he could sleep there. But it came dinnertime and after folding many Spidermen shirts, I went out to look for him. I didn't know which house he had gone in. But then he was on the street and came back. It was near the end of April but we couldn't move in until the last day but I was busy trying to pack everything. I think I took a workman through the apartment too. Ian's giant suitcases were in the hall.
There were a lot more stairways in the apartment than are in the real apartment. More ways to get out.

But I don't want to go back, only forward

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This dream had a lot of plot to it, but I apparently didn't follow a lot of it in the dream because at the end of the dream I was like 'I don't get it' and Shari had to explain it to me.

The story is about a girl who seems to live in a nice palace but the guy who owns the palace is away on a long journey. At first she kind of pines in her room and doesn't go out much. Once she comes out of her room to go to the bathroom (which has no walls) and 2 ladies are in the kitchen and don't see her go to the bathroom (which is right by the kitchen) and one woman pours a white substance (salt? flour? cornstarch?) onto her while she is sitting on the toilet. She just looks at them. The house has lots of large windows to see out of. Eventually she goes out searching for something, but I'm not sure what. There's a parade that goes by blocking traffic. She's on her bike stopped by the road waiting for a break in the parade. Her mother is beside her on one side and there was a guy waiting to cross the street but he gives up because the parade is too long and goes to go around her bike but he trips into it and lands on the ground. He blames her. She is also hurt because the bike hit her on the way down. He hurt his arm and she hurt her leg.
Then she is on a boat and they are driving by the back of New York. Such a beautiful view of the backs of houses. It was a spectacualar boat trip.
Then they are back at the palace and there is much excitement there. Apparently the man has come back. Everyone in the palace is in a frenzy but she can't see him. Then there is peace.

A dream dictionary says to dream about a palace means:
To see a palace in your dream, symbolizes prominence and wealth. You are ready to utilize your full potential.
Which I hope is true!

But the dream seems to me a picture of us and God. I live as His child in His world(palace). The bathroom might represent cleansing and the kitchen birth or transformation as we head out into the world. The flour might represent frugality, which I am, relatively speaking. Then out in the world, you get hurt, but you are on a brilliant trip on the river (can symbolize consciousness). How I think the trip is brilliant when I really get to see the core of people (the backyards that could be seen from the boat- most people present their front yards, but back yards can be just as beautiful). Then at the end of the trip we get back to God's palace and expect to receive Him. And He brings peace.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Train station

I haven't been sleeping too well recently so not too many dreams. Not that I slept great last night. I'm not sure if there is a new format Clint! Just sometimes the dreams make a lot more sense than others, like the 'trip' dream, I'm still thinking about a lot. It really was a cool dream. A lot of times they don't make a lot of sense, but I write them down in hopes they might make sense later. And sometimes (like now) I'm writing them with James right beside me, and he yak yak yaks a lot so that makes it hard to think and write at the same time. He's pretty exited because this dream was in a train station!

I was at the Kingston train station to pick up a guy. He was wearing an engineering jacket with an 06 on it, so I assume he was one of my students from a few years back, but I had no idea of his name in the dream. I thought I was there to pick him up and bring him somewhere but when I looked behind me he was gone. So I went back and found him sitting on the seats with some of his friends. I think he was shaving? But he was mainly talking to his friends. There was a girl who was sitting by him, who had this weird hair- clumps of it were sticking up. Apparently, they had done this last night for fun. Some of his other friends asked him what Amy would think of this. Apparently Amy was his girlfriend.

In another dream I had this mission that involved transporting flowers. A long way. A lot of walking. With the flowers on a trolley. There were people along the way who were deceptive. There were other missions going on. One time I stopped and the flowers were taken off the trolley and I had to put them back on. There was a girl who was pretending to be sincere but she was really trying to act. It was a job interview, but she called it an audition.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I dreamt that the MM2 class that I do tonight was instead being held in a gym. They weren't even organized as to which project they were going to do, so though I told them to sign up with me, they just went and sat where the projects were and I was trying to sign them up that way. It was chaotic being such a big space and me trying to work on my own.

I dreamt that my boss at RMC had given me some papers, that look like the papers I make my MM2 students do tonight, but the lines were all blurry and I was staring at them and couldn't make out where the lines went.

A day or so ago I had a nightmare type dream where I was cutting up a body and encasing it in ?cement?. That may have been from watching a 'without a trace' show just before I went to bed though! It was a pretty scary dream anyway.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Dream from Mar 9 3am:

Myron + I + Al + others were going hiking/ camping. Someone was biking. Starting off on the trail we had to make sure we were going in the right direction. There wa a lot of traffic (vehicular) as we set out. But as we went, we left the road behind.

As we were walking we came across a raging campfire. It was going too strong for us to put out and was catching small pieces of the forest on fire. We stayed by it and tryed to call people and alert them to the danger and to come and put it out.

We pitched out tent by there. It was a tall tent. In the night I was looking out and all these splotches were landing on the tent. I'm not sure if they were bugs or sap from trees or what, but I was glad that our tent had such a fine mesh to stop them. I think I looked out most of the night.

In the morning, the fire had burned itself out. There was a chipmunk looking through the ashes for food.

The next day required wading through a lot of water. Some were competing/racing. Some were pulling hair. I wasn't, but I wasn't stopping them either. Some were trying to show off.

In the middle of this Myself, Myron, Al and one other were sitting naked in a sauna. I had a towel over me. We all sat together in peace.

Main theme : Peace inside, chaos outside

From a dream dictionary about fire:
It may suggest that something old is passing and something new is entering your life. Your thoughts and views are changing. In particular, if the fire is under control or contained in one area, it is a metaphor of your own internal fire and inner transformation. It also represents your drive and motivation.

To dream that you put out a fire, signifies that you will overcome your obstacles in your life through much work and effort.
The fire was put out, but with no effort on our part, we just had to wait.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Well

I dreamt about a stone well and how we needed to protect it. It was like we were on a large expanse of land, pretty barren except for where we were.

What a dream dictionary said was:
To see a well in your dream, represents your abilities and talents that have not yet come to the surface or be recognized. The well is also symbolic of the depth of your emotions. It may serve as a depository for those emotions. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun and indicate that you are doing "well"

Which seems to correlate with the dreams from yesterday.

But when I woke, I was thinking about John 4 which in vs. 13-14 says
13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

So in thinking of the well as something to protect: my relationship with Jesus and corporately Rustle's spiritual life.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Giving away greens and biting dogs

I had a nap today and pretty vivid dreams.

One was about some things that had been put in a bowl (maybe by my mom) and I was giving them away. A lot of them were green fresh things. Good for you.

Later in the dream, there was a dog, like Kim's dog Trish, and I was trying to get it away from me, and keep it away from James and it bit my hand. I looked at my hand and you could see the bite marks.

According to a dream dictionary a viscious growling dog represents inner turmoil. So I have inner turmoil, but it's kinda cute, like Trish, but the inner turmoil will likely bite me and it will sting! Ow.
The dictionary also indicates that if you dream about giving it means you need to give more in a relationship or situation, which is true for me in general as I'm pretty reserved.
Both the dog and giving away things can represent unused talents that I need to develop.

I'm a work in progress :)


Dreamt I was having a reunion with some of my university classmates. The only one I recognized in the dream was Dee. And we were happy to see each other. She looked blonde and radiant and peaceful. The rest of them I seemed to know in the dream but they were not peaceful- they were on drugs, or something, some were in homsexual relationships. They were living for themselves.
So there was some movement as we went to different locations for events. I was trying to walk through the backyard of this really large house. But then the fence ended at the house. So I looked in the house and saw the kids huge room with toys in piles all over the floor. The child might have been in one of the piles. I think I went in the house because there was no other way to go forward

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I was in a kind of real life maze where the paths were real paths and I had to get places and get tasks done. Kind of like real life. But if I got stuck I could call on this guy Earl (the guy from Survivor- only sane one on a nutty tribe?) and he would help me. I was carrying some boxes again.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


In my dream there was a missionary and I think there were number of us in her plane. We were waiting for her to come back. When she did her best friend told her she had won a prize of a $1 million pair of shoes. The looked like heels but sparkly and even a bit comfortable. She had als o won second prize which was a $0.5 million pair of shoes. I wondered if you couldn't cash in the shoes and buy LOTS of shoes for the money!

Ephesians 6:15 "and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace". Maybe the dream is saying that knowing the Gospel and sharing it is valuable.

2 days ago, I had a terrible night and only slept for maybe 20 minutes, but during those 20mins I had this dream that I was carrying all of these burdens for people. But there were so many once I had put the ones I had picked up away, there would be more for me to pick up. I also picked up my mom's coffee cup to clean it.