What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


There was lots of chasing in my dream this morning.
First, someone was chasing Kim. She came and took refuge in our farm house that seemed to be halfway between 2 cities. At this farmhouse a race was going on, kind of like a very large obstacle course. There were teams going through it and you couldn't finish until ALL the members had made it though. (So the stonger ones had to help the weaker ones idea, though I didn't actually physically see that, but I think they were encouraging with words)
Then Myron needed a car for school, so we got one, but there kept being different things wrong with it and he kept having to look under the hood to fix it. At on point he had taken this giant pipe that carried water out to look in a tank.
Then there was a mission for Kim and I to hunt down an escaped prisoner. She was at the farmhouse but she left when we were paying attention to something else. She took advantage of our distraction and left. I said I just needed to wash my hair before I went but then standing with a bucket at the sink, I decided that just throwing the bucket over my head was enough. James was having to sleep in a hallway at the top of the stairs and when I was trying to leave he cryed and needed me to help him stay in bed. Another distraction.
I think after all the distractions we did get on the road to chase the prisoner.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Don't give up on doing good

Dreams from our trip to New Brunswick. I didn't actually sleep much during the trip. Nor did I write down the dreams until I got home, so I'm not entirely sure which days I had them! (they are all from the past week though)

The Cut Hand
There was a man with a cut on his hand. I was trying to help stop the bleeding but I seemed to be making it worse. I told him to put a Kleenex on it and I was pressing on it. Then I told him to hold his hand a diffferent way (maybe up higher?) Sometimes it seemed to bleed more and sometimes less.

The Gun
I was using a gun to try to shoot a bad man but he had a magnetic shield and my bullets would stop in mid-air and drop to the ground. I stopped shooting as that wasn't getting me anywhere and instead started searching for the switch to the magnetic field.

This again had the 'don't give up' feel to it.
When I got home from our trip Sandy had sent me a scripture she got from a friend. I had just written my dreams down and then I looked up the scripture. Part of it went like this:
2 Kings 19:32
He(refering to the King of Assyria) will not enter this city or shoot an arrow here.
He will not come before it with shield or build a siege ramp against it.
By the way he came he will return, he will not enter this city.
I (referring to God) will defend this city and save it.
which when I read I thought of my dream.

I dreamt I was going to do a speech and I was pairing objects up together. I was finding the objects to demonstrate with. Then I realized that before I started speaking I wanted to talk about Brooke being in the paper and make a big deal out of it.

Background to this: Brooke is graduating grade 8 tomorrow I think but before we left the local newspaper ran a special section on 'Faces of Tomorrow' and picked out one or 2 kids from each school and did a little piece on them. Brooke was in that special section and the piece is now clipped to my refrigerator.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pregnant women

In my dream there were 2 pregnant women. One was Pam, she was huge- like me when I was pregnant with James- just preganant everywhere. You could tell she was at the 9 month mark. And she was so tired. In fact just getting up on the toilet would wear her out so much that she didn't have the energy to go once she got up there. She ended up having to pee on the floor! There were royal blue colours in this part of the dream.
The other pregnant lady, I did not know who she was. Her pregnancy was at the 9 month mark as well but she looked so different- she had a funny ball shape on her tummy. She was just as pregnant but looked so different.
But women were beyond ready to have the baby come out, but they had to wait for the natural course of events.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sniffer dog

I dreamt I was in a foreign country. There was a sniffer dog looking for drugs going around. I wasn't worried at all as I don't take drugs. I don't even take Tylenol if my head hurts. But it was me that the sniffer dog focused in on. And I looked and saw a package- the pills looked like Lact-aids (which I used to take when I was lactose intolerant) but they were in packages like allergy pills. And there was one of them in my mouth. I was so surprised, but it also made sense at the time because I did have one in my mouth (I think I was sucking on it- the Lactaids I used to have were chewable)

In another dream, the back door to my house was open. This dream was so realistic that I had to check the back door when I woke up. Nothing came through it in the dream though.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

New York

I was in a city I had never seen before. Shieleen was there too. She was pregnant. Devaan was at one babysitter and Ariana at another. I was caring for her. We were looking out over the city and we saw one apartment building which had an explosion. We didn't see the explosion and there was no fire, but we knew that the structure had been compromised. We saw the building fall and the people screaming. People had been watching the building up close and the building fell on them. We could see them all screaming. Then the same thing happened with a larger building. It fell too. Almost identical. Shieleen was worried about her kids even though we were on the other side of the city (as were the kids) we hurried to find them.

Edited to add: Taking a stab at the interpretation (the interpretation seemed to come as I was praying, I had no thought of this when I woke up):
I think the buildings represent strongholds of the enemy.
Gerald had suggested the buildings were Rustle and Next (he was joking) but I really don't think that was right as I was so far away from the buildings (maybe even behind a wall). If it were something I was involved with, I would be closer to them, I would think.
Anyway, I think prayer compromises the strongholds. Then you wait. Then it falls.
You want to make sure you and your loved ones are far away from the works of the enemy (God keeps us safe)
Anyway, I think that you can't stand around and gawk at the work of the enemy because the people who were just near the building, watching, were destroyed as well.

Scripture that has been sticking with me.
Zechariah 13:1: On that day a fountain will be opened...to cleanse them from sin and impurity

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I arrived at this house- a large house. The first room I went into, I think I knew instinctively that it was a crime scene and I shouldn't touch anything. But I didn't really believe that it was a recent crime, but apparently they were still waiting for the police to arrive. I was trying to solve the crime- there were some people with me. This first room I went in was detached from the rest of the house. You had to use a moveable ladder (that was white) to get up it. We were going over who could have gotten up the ladder. (if the maid had gone up, she would have used the alternate set of white stairs to come down. if it had been the milkman, he would have broken the seal on the door) By the end of the dream I still did not know what the crime was, or who had committed the crime.

But then the dream moved over to the main house, where a mother was living with lots of boys. There were so many boys I couldn't count them all and they got into everything. There were huge bags of candy downstairs that had been ripped open. I went down with one little boy and he was asking could he have different things and I didn't know how to answer, if he could or not. The first thing he asked about was a beautiful ladybird candy.
They also got into the money. We had been putting the money (coins) into the moms plastic container to pay for our board but the money kept dissappearing. The boys were taking it.
The mother was making a dish with strawberries in the bottom. Not sure what was going to go on top, but we had to pay extra for the strawberries.
The house was filthy and we were all trying to help clean it up (though the boys still were working on messing it up). When you were sitting on the floor you could see all the crumbs on the floor. So I decided to get out the vacuum. The vacuum had a small attachment on the end of it (meaning it's surface area that it covered was about 1/2 as much as my vacuum at home) and it's suck was not very good- I felt it. Sandy said that she told them to go for the powerful industrial one, but instead they had gone for the 'Christmas tree' model because it was on sale.
There was only a tiny bathroom there. It had wood all over it (kind of like an outhouse, but inside). One of the boys had to go, so he pushed past me to get in.

I think the seperate room is the apartment at Rustle and we should pray for cleansing in that place from whatever past sins there may have been.
I think the big house is Rustle and that we should listen to Sandy and buy a decent vacuum (or whatever it is that the vacuum represents :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Jason and the Spaghetti Machine

Jason (ya, your Jason Rach) was at a kid event - maybe a birthday party - it seemed to be in the main hall at Rustle St. He had these spaghetti machines that fascinated the kids. They were long glass tubes (taller than he was) and he stuck the spaghetti in the top and then it was heated or shaken or something and as the children watched the spaghetti because different shapes like macaroni or there was even one that was a very complicated star design. When the spaghetti was finished changing shapes it cooked up like buns in the new shape it was in.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sci- fi dreams

My dreams last night were all sci fi. And I'm not too much of a sci fi fan. I haven't watched or read anything sci fi in ages.

There were people in a hallway taking pictures. It turns out they were on a ship. Either the camera morphed into a door, or a door came out of the ceiling and closed. The people who were taking the pictures were running out of oxygen. They were crawling toward the door to live. Some were already dead. The people on the other side of the door either didn't notice or wanted to help the no-oxygen people. Two girls managed to push up the door and start pulling people to safety. There were some girls who were desperate to get to safety. They were wearing nice dresses. Some people did not want to be pulled to safety.

This next dream may have been prompted by Myron's bike being stolen last week:
Most people were locking their bikes the regular way, but my bike had this weird anti-lock lock. The regular lock people looked at me odd!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Preparing for a trip in the wilderness

We were getting ready for a trip by putting all our supplies on 2 picnic tables. One picnic table was for the girls supplies and one was for the guys supplies. There was a guy in charge directing the supplies (when I woke up I immediately thought that must be Al, but in the dream it didn'r actually look like him) The tables were piling up quite nicely but then there was a dispute between the guys over one item. It was a small white box that you could plug in and cook 1 chicken breast. (Maybe it also could work on batteries as we were going to the wilderness and there likely wouldn't be plugs- but whatever!) I am not sure what they were disputing about, just that it centered on this object.

Preparing an apartment for Oprah

I was moving into an apartment with Oprah. It was the same apartment that I had on Colborne St. in 1992-1994 (of all the crummy choices Oprah!) Because Oprah was moving in, they (the landlords) were finally renovating it. I explained to Oprah that it was electric heat (and was certainly hoping that the heat actually worked for her) and that it was included in the price of rent. I wondered if it was still $300 a month. I wished I hadn't left the curtains Kim made especially for the windows in the apartment because they weren't there anymore. I wondered if Oprah would take 2 of the 3 bedrooms or if someone else would move in as well. Oprah had a lot of friends with her. It was odd to go back there- this is what I was thinking in my dream- why here? But Oprah comes to crummy Colborne St. apartments with barely any heat like Christ comes to us.