What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

An egg hunt and a murder

Dreamt about a huge egg hunt where many people were hiding and looking for eggs. (seems to be following my searching for something theme)

Also about someone who was murdered. I did not see who it was but I saw the blood on the floor and I knew there was a murder. There seemed to be lots of criminal type people in the dream, so I was not sure who did the murder. And I didn't seem to be too concerned about that in the dream.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The big table

There was a big wooden set of table set up like I_I-I_I (except all joined together and symmetric). There was a huge cake on the table that had the same shape as the table. It was a reward cake.

Friday, May 26, 2006


This morning:

I was in a classroom as a student and we had a test coming up. We didn't know what it was, but I prepared some clay, thinking that might help. They were taking houses away and all that was left was the foundation and the old clocks. I think refurbishing the clocks was part of the test.


I was on a steep set of stairs. There was a long line of people waiting on the stairs. There was 3 sets of people in front of me (like I was 4th in line). There was a bee buzzing around, deliberately trying to sting people.

I was teaching physics classes side by side with Al (him in one classroom and I was in the next). Madison showed up and Al left his class to show her an experiment(maybe having to do with water and rainbows). His class was a bit out of joint and I was telling them not to worry that he would be back to answer their questions. I did not try to do his job (though on waking, I was - how come I didn't try to help those students?) And he came back from your time with Maddy happy and free. Then he helped his students.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Damaged library

There had been some sort of event- like an earthquake- that had damaged the library. It may have damaged other buildings around as well. The library was no longer structurally sound, but we were hiding in it (and reading books). I think we may have been working on preserving the books that were undamaged by the disaster. A security guard came up to talk to us and we thought he was going to make us leave, but he let us stay.

In another dream, I had traded houses with Clara for a few days and neither of us could decide if we wanted to turn on the others' heating system. It is May after all and shouldn't be so cold!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Walking teams

This one from this morning- very fuzzy but it was about there being teams that walked around the city. There were options for routes. One was down by the waterfront. I was trying to figure out which route I wanted to take and who I wanted to go with. There were bathrooms there I guess for teams to change in. There was also something about my students in this dream but I don't remember what.

Last night, I picked up the book 'God still speaks through dreams' by Greg Cynaumon. I'm only a few chapters in, but it seems like a very interesting book. He's a dream psychologist I think, if there is such a thing and each chapter seems to be a case study of one particular dream. He doesn't suggest that all dreams are from God, but sometimes particular ones are to warn us, to teach us or to just fellowship with us. He says 'My experience is that self-initiated, anxiety-driven dreams tend to go away when you expose them to the light of day' meaning (I think) that sometimes your subconscious is trying to tell you something and you will keep having the same sort of dream until you deal with it (Like my 'searching for something' dreams likely won't end until I have dealt with whatever is causing them!)
If you think you have a dream from God he suggests 'Test the spirit- the sense you haveof your dream- by seeking counsel from your pastor, your elders, and one or two smart and spiritually minded people you trust. Prayerfully submit the situation to God, and ask Him for guidance and wisdom as to what to do next. It's fair to ask Him to clarify if the dream is from Him by sending you a sign or giving you peace of mind about a certain solution'. I suppose though, that advice would be also useful for dreams that are from the subconscious. God probably can figure out my subconscious better that I!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Rustle +

Today is the day of the Rustle Gardening party and last night I had a dream about Church 'planting' about 1am:

The Rustle Church planting crew was standing in a line, shoulder-to-shoulder, each one holding some type of gardening tool (I could only see the wooden handles of the tools but they could have been rakes, hoes, shovels- I couldn't see the bottom of the wood)
Al wanted us to do a prayer exercise first and asked us all to get on our knees. What we were going to do was go on our knees and pray for others. We were getting started and Sandy went over to someone (trust Sandy to rock the boat) and the person she went over to knew what she was up to and said "you are going to say something to build up the Body of Christ, aren't you?" There was silence because is wasn't clear for a minute if she was making fun of Sandy for not performing the exercise properly, if it was going to hurt Sandy's feelings etc. We all waited. And she said "BRING IT ON". And so Sandy did.

Later, I had a dream about Jamie and Catherine's wedding. It had something to do with gifts. We hadn't gotten them a gift. We were in a place with lovely vases and I wanted Myron to choose one because I'm terrible at choosing gifts. He couldn't decide. The Jamie and Catherine dream was briefly interrupted by people playing hockey. Who has hockey as a commercial in a dream?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The bumblebee

Had this this morning and it seems to fit in the theme of the last dream of tring to find something.

James and I were in someone else's house. There had been lots of people in it, but I guess they had gone out. It was a very big house. There was a bee flying around and we got out the fly swatter. At first I thought it would be easy to get rid of, but it wasn't. We went from room to room following it, sometimes loosing it. The home had some open concept spaces that made it easy to loose. It was getting to James' bedtime and he didn't want to go to bed until the bee was gone.

Then I think the people came back and the house turned out to out to be owned by a mafia lord or some such person. He was playing with people and taunting them with words. Pam was in the house serving. The mafia lord sent us out in a car onto the streets. I remember cars going by. There were roadblocks and police with sirens going by.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Trying to find something

had this dream this morning. it has lots of pieces and am not sure of the order of some parts

1. James was hurt or sick and I was carrying him in my arms. I was standing at the edge of the water and knew I had to get across. I could take off my shoes and try to swim across. Everything in my backpack would get wet. Was I strong enough? I didn't think so.
I could take the Wolfe Island Ferry, but I didn't have a car. (though in real life you don't need a car to ride this ferry, you did in my dream) I could plead with someone to help me.

2. I was taking James and Devon (Amanda's boy) to some kind of fair or event. It was a big area. At first it was o.k. but at the end of the day they both ran off on me and I couldn't find them. I told people that they were both my children and I needed help finding them. I told them they were 3 and 5. (James just turned 4- apparently my subconscious didn't notice. Devon is 5) I felt guilty that I didn't know much about Devon's childhood, so I told people he was adopted. There was an area with lots of escalators. I don't know how I found James or if he just came back, but then I put my groceries down and started going around shouting "Devon" at the top of my lungs. There was a man lurking behind me. I think he wanted my groceries. I thought about offering him something to eat, but didn't because he seemed a bit creepy. There was so much space to look for Devon, and I realized he didn't even know my name. Somehow, later we were with him again and with Amanda at a table eating and I told him he better stay with me. He said he wouldn't. I said I would handcuff him to me next time!

3. I was in Kim's Church, but it didn't really look like her Church. It was bigger and lighter. I was standing pretty far at the back and in the aisle (I might have been looking for James and Devon at the time) and the pastor came up the aisle and stopped in front of me and said 'Jump' so I started jumping with all my might. Some other people were jumping too, but not many. People were disappearing and reappearing.

4. At the end of the dream I was on a street with Br. She had been wearing 4 sweaters but they had all come off. I was trying to seperate them and get them back on her, but she didn't want them back on. Then we were near a building (like a grocery store) and all her bottle caps (these were candy when I was a kid) had spilled. I was trying to get them back in the tube for her and she had wandered off. There was also a box of her stuff there. Then I looked out and there was a tornado headed straight for us. I started yelling at her to get in the building and I threw the tube of bottlecaps on her stuff and grabbed it all up, heading in to the building. I think we got in just in time, and I woke up.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Snow in the desert

This morning (I wanted to post earlier but Blogger was having issues):

I was in a desert with sparse looking trees. There were copperhead snakes around but they could not be seen. It was snowing, lightly at first, then more intense. Some places were snowed on more than others.
James had a shovel and he was cleaning up the snow for everyone. There were a couple other guys clearing snow too, but there were a lot of people inside. A big gathering. Big John was there. We were singing a cappella the song 'For he's a jolly good fellow' but who we were singing it to I was unclear about. It was nice to hear the voices, quiet and sweet. Some were not singing, but I was.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The funeral

James woke me from this dream at precisely 5:45am this morning and now it is 9:30am so I'm not sure how this remembery will go:

I think the funeral was for Estelle Getty from the Golden Girls. (Note the first time I had a funeral dream, there was a casket going down Johnson street and I was pretty worried about the dream, but since then I have realized that funeral dreams are actually good dreams in general because they don't speak of death per se, but of rebirth, so I'm pretty happy with funeral dreams at this point)
How I knew Estelle was not clear.
Myron, James and I were at the funeral as well as many other people. I think most were dressed in black, but I don't believe I had dressed up. I had a backpack on. We were all standing by a river, behind a fence that was back up from the river, for safety. We were looking down at the river. Pastor Ken was there and said that it was time for the tidal bore. (Think Atlantic Canada- which happens to be where Pastor Ken is living now)
As we looked down at the tidal bore (which in reality, it was not a tidal bore at all) we could see the new water coming in. The new water was a different colour than the old water so you could see the difference between the 2. The new water poured in and the old water was washed away.
I didn't think of it during the dream, but in retrospect, it seems symbolic of Jesus washing away our sins and His new life flooding into us. I love that.
Anyway after the funeral was over Myron and James got into a big limo, but I decided to walk home.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The atrium

Dream from May 1:

Dream I went into an atrium that was an area where they keep wild animals.
The path to walk through was like a step pattern. All right turns going in. As I walked in I didn't see too many animals, only a wolf. I thought to myself that wasn't too dangerous and the wooden rails were quite adequate to keep the wolf penned. (in real life it wouldn't have penned him at all, but whatever- it's a dream!) I got to a point where I decided to turn back. As I was walking back I noticed there were quite a lot of wild animals and was worried about the wooden pens. I saw a bear and decided to run. This was the wrong thing to do as it agitated the animals. I stopped running and just walked briskly. This seemed to work better. There were also metal doors that I was going through that would bang shut after I had passed though. The door I finally walked out was a wooden screen door with just a small spring on it. But I was safe when I was out of the atrium.