Walking teams
This one from this morning- very fuzzy but it was about there being teams that walked around the city. There were options for routes. One was down by the waterfront. I was trying to figure out which route I wanted to take and who I wanted to go with. There were bathrooms there I guess for teams to change in. There was also something about my students in this dream but I don't remember what.
Last night, I picked up the book 'God still speaks through dreams' by Greg Cynaumon. I'm only a few chapters in, but it seems like a very interesting book. He's a dream psychologist I think, if there is such a thing and each chapter seems to be a case study of one particular dream. He doesn't suggest that all dreams are from God, but sometimes particular ones are to warn us, to teach us or to just fellowship with us. He says 'My experience is that self-initiated, anxiety-driven dreams tend to go away when you expose them to the light of day' meaning (I think) that sometimes your subconscious is trying to tell you something and you will keep having the same sort of dream until you deal with it (Like my 'searching for something' dreams likely won't end until I have dealt with whatever is causing them!)
If you think you have a dream from God he suggests 'Test the spirit- the sense you haveof your dream- by seeking counsel from your pastor, your elders, and one or two smart and spiritually minded people you trust. Prayerfully submit the situation to God, and ask Him for guidance and wisdom as to what to do next. It's fair to ask Him to clarify if the dream is from Him by sending you a sign or giving you peace of mind about a certain solution'. I suppose though, that advice would be also useful for dreams that are from the subconscious. God probably can figure out my subconscious better that I!
Last night, I picked up the book 'God still speaks through dreams' by Greg Cynaumon. I'm only a few chapters in, but it seems like a very interesting book. He's a dream psychologist I think, if there is such a thing and each chapter seems to be a case study of one particular dream. He doesn't suggest that all dreams are from God, but sometimes particular ones are to warn us, to teach us or to just fellowship with us. He says 'My experience is that self-initiated, anxiety-driven dreams tend to go away when you expose them to the light of day' meaning (I think) that sometimes your subconscious is trying to tell you something and you will keep having the same sort of dream until you deal with it (Like my 'searching for something' dreams likely won't end until I have dealt with whatever is causing them!)
If you think you have a dream from God he suggests 'Test the spirit- the sense you haveof your dream- by seeking counsel from your pastor, your elders, and one or two smart and spiritually minded people you trust. Prayerfully submit the situation to God, and ask Him for guidance and wisdom as to what to do next. It's fair to ask Him to clarify if the dream is from Him by sending you a sign or giving you peace of mind about a certain solution'. I suppose though, that advice would be also useful for dreams that are from the subconscious. God probably can figure out my subconscious better that I!
At Saturday, May 20, 2006 1:24:00 AM,
Bar L. said…
I've heard of Greg C. Sounds like an intriguing read - especially for you the Dream Queen! Hope all is going well for you.
At Friday, May 26, 2006 10:50:00 PM,
Rachel said…
Hmm... I have recurring dreams of being pursued by a person, or sometimes an animal, intent on harming me. These dreams are just one long chase scene. I wonder what issue that needs dealing with is causing them?
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