What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Joanna and the decision

Dream from April 19th:

Joanna had a decision to make. Her friends were trying to help her. Franceen spoke first, then I quoted (in the dream which truly impressed me!) from T.D. Jakes' book 'God's Leading Lady' in the chapter 'Monuments and Moments' p.259 "If you are going to lead a life's performance that produces a meaningful legacy and not merely an entertaining show, then you must take His words to heart (In the last paragraph he was talking about the verse 'But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her") Each day you will be forced to make decisions that will have a significant impact on both your daily performance and your lifetime legacy. And from my experience, it's not always an easy choice. The difficulty is usually not in having to choose between what appears good and what appears evil- those choices are rather easy. The real difficulty is choosing from among several good options, several necessary possibilities, many urgent demands" (bold is what I actually spoke during the dream)

I met Joanna's boyfriend! A man with a sweet spirit and he was willing to support Joanna no matter what decision she made, though it was obvious one choice would benefit him more than another because either Joanna would be nearby or far away. He lived in house #200 on a street that began with M (in my dream, at least) Joanna's parents lived further down the street. The houses on this street were little bungalows (not like Joanna's parents house now!) The boyfriend was not at home, but his car was and I opened the trunk of the car and started shoveling stuff out. (I don't think I actually saw what it was that I was shoveling).

Then I went to eat an orange, but they were all bad.

Joanna was planning a vacation and there were 2 sales- one to France to a lace making area that had tickets that were 2 for one and one to another location in France on a reduced fare.


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