What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The atrium

Dream from May 1:

Dream I went into an atrium that was an area where they keep wild animals.
The path to walk through was like a step pattern. All right turns going in. As I walked in I didn't see too many animals, only a wolf. I thought to myself that wasn't too dangerous and the wooden rails were quite adequate to keep the wolf penned. (in real life it wouldn't have penned him at all, but whatever- it's a dream!) I got to a point where I decided to turn back. As I was walking back I noticed there were quite a lot of wild animals and was worried about the wooden pens. I saw a bear and decided to run. This was the wrong thing to do as it agitated the animals. I stopped running and just walked briskly. This seemed to work better. There were also metal doors that I was going through that would bang shut after I had passed though. The door I finally walked out was a wooden screen door with just a small spring on it. But I was safe when I was out of the atrium.


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