What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I was sitting near the back of the classroom (as a student). We were having an exam that day. The exam went ok but after the exam the class was so loud. The teacher was not in good control. The teacher asked a question and the girl near the front answered, but it was a really silly answer.

I was in town with my parents and my brother. We wanted to go up to Brock by bus. I didn't have a ticket yet, so I went in to buy one. They were $0.40. The lady told me we have just missed one bus and would have to wait for the next. I think we also would have to transfer. We would be at brock in about 45 minutes, around midnight.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Al was presenting at the front of the Church RAFT, which the kids had made. RAFT was a baby of HATCH. Maybe it was also a magazine. In the dream, I kept asking Al what RAFT meant and he said he would tell me but never got around to it before the dream was over.

Jul and Oakley were in the dream at some point and Oakley was singing the Al song, that went like "Al!Al!Al!Al!Al!Al!Al!Al!' etc. very excited-like. Jul was dancing, I think.

I was walking to Rustle and at the corner of Russell and Division, I met Tracey (of Tim and Tracey). She had gotten a stain on her shirt and was going to her friends to wash it. I said if her friend wasn't home, she could wash it at my place. I was going over to Rustle with my laundry though and wasn't sure I'd have enough quarters to do the laundry.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

When life gives you green goo

I was getting on a boat and there was a large jug on it, filled with water. At some point in the dream the jug spilled and water spilled out but also this nasty looking green goo was on top of the water (I think you saw it better when it spilled, but it was there before)and the thought in the dream was 'this is what is wrong with myron'

Though the dream REALLY has not helped me understand what is wrong with him. At least not yet!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I had to bring a cheque to the school. The first time I went, I dropped the cheque off. Then I came back another time for the receipt. When I walked up the top of the stairs the secretary was sitting at her desk at the top of the stairs. I told her what it was that I needed and she picked up a ball and led me into another room that had a giant air castle in it. Either there was another girl, or the secretary turned into a young girl and she took the ball to a tube in the air castle and she had to blow on it to get it to move through the tubes- she had to go to different tubes and blow. It was a game. There were people around who were calling to her. Some were supportive and some were negative. She didn't seem to be listening to any of the voices. Intent on her task. I am not quite sure how all of this was going to get me my receipt, but it was interesting.

Two (older) men came and knocked on my door. I had a large wooden front porch so I stepped out onto it with them and closed the door. I could trust them. They wanted a prophesy. I told them the blue all stars would win. I also told them something about a New York Rangers player. I think he seemed connected to the blue team, but James tells me that IRL the Rangers are on the red team.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Niagara falls falling

I was looking at Niagara Falls and as I looked there were cars in the water going over the falls (I don't think there were people in the cars)

Then I was in a building in Niagara Falls and I was given 2 fifty dollar bills and a twenty. I went to take the elevator down - it was one of those glass ones that you could see out of. And the cord in the elevator was breaking so the elevator cab was tipping and I was tipping.

I had the dream maybe yesterday- but haven't had time to write it down!

Friday, January 16, 2009

A sheep, a lamb and a wounded Canada goose

The snow was gone. There was a wounded canada goose in a green lawn of someones house (on Chaplin) I could see his wing was hurt so he could not fly. At first he was trying to get away, even from me. Then he calmed down and he and a sheep and a lamb were standing and looking at me. Then a black rottweiler dog came up from between them and started barking at me. (why he didn't attack the softies, I don't know- but I knew I needed to defend them) I grabbed the dog's mouth. He kept barking. I felt one of his teeth break. I was surprised. The dog looked surprised as well.

I also had a dream where Oakley and Jul were giving angry looks (in fun) and I was looking for a video that wasn't in the store.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

3 Meanings

Pretty far back from when I woke up (so pretty difficult to remember), I had a dream (which all I can currently remember for it is a cup of coffee) and then I had a dream where I was interpreting the first dream (in my dream) and there were 3 meanings to things that happened (or maybe things that didn't happen). The first was that the phone did not ring in the dream. That meant confidence. I think the second had something to do with peace (represented by the coffee cup- even though I hate coffee!)

Then I had all these other dreams, and forgot the other 2 meanings:
Kathy S. was standing under a banner for her parents anniversary- apparently they were married in 1914!- I was calculating in my dream how old that made her!

There was a girl at a computer and I cane downstairs and she told me what was going on. I wanted to protect her.

There was a store- maybe a Christian book store. There were birds in the store. At various times, various numbers. Sometimes just a stray one flying through, sometimes a wall of cages with different ones. I was trying to put a bird away but couldn't figure out which cage it would fit into. There was a cage with birds that looked like kiki but they were close to the edge- I thought they would fall out if I opened the cage.
There was one section that was off from the others, maybe a more casual area. There was one salesman there, but he seemed to be more social, not selling much. There were so many people in the other sections of the store that needed help, but he stayed in the one section where people didn't really need help so much.
There was a part of the store that was a balloon range. You would get in a hot air balloon and go up in the air- you would be able to steer it and avoid bubbles thrown up from the ground. It was all in an enclosed area but it SEEMED like you were outside.

Randy gave me some of his tickets to an event. They had names written on them. Two were for Roseanne and her parents.

Friday, January 09, 2009

When the power of God knocks you flat out

Philip was standing in a room and the power of God moved in and he fell flat on his back on the floor. He was tring to get up when a girl (teenager) with red curly hair shouted at him- "no" (don't get up)

Christy was not feeling well and was lying on a bed. I went and told Marla, who was organizing a differnt room and she said she was organizing the room and couldn't come now.

I had fed everyone supper, but had forgotten dessert. I wasn't too worried about not providing this, but then I found some chocolate round things and I went to put them out.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Rustle teaching

Rustle was all in a square room (with couches, of course). It was very full.
There was a word of the month that Al was teaching us about.
There was also a theme about square pendulums. This was everywhere.
Shari was fishing (in the room) with a black fishing line. I picked off the dustlinea so it would work better.
There was a guy who looked like Kenny Rogers lying on a couch. Patsy was sitting on the arm of the couch. I found a little spot in between them and squeezed in.
There was a bingo game with lots of squares and they were all pictures. It was a very difficult thing. Noone was winning or really even had any squares done.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

USA on the belly

When I woke up at 8am, I was trying to interptret this crazy piece of a dream:
I was with my pimp (yes, who knew?) and he had a map of the USA drawn on his belly (in colour!) and I went and kissed the map (I think the northeastern states)

Then I managed to drift off again (yes, sleeping after 8am can only indicate that my boys are away) and I dreamt that my parents and I (and either my brother in a young form, or James) were at a large grocery store, shopping. The power suddenly went out and my parents were very worried. I wasn't worried at all. I was trying to let them know that we could just wait until it came back, or there were other alternatives.

When I woke up, I remembered what my friend in high school, who had been working at a grocery store, told me that when there was a power failure, they got out the candles and used a calculator to do the check outs.