Reclaiming Rustle
While lying awake that same night I had this vision (maybe more of a hallucination from lack of sleep) of people linked together with metal prongs floating. I think it was in a bar- one of the people was smoking.
My thought after seeing it was that they were 'held together by the world' (or worldly things)
On Nov 28 (St. C) I had this 'Reclaiming Rustle' dream. There was dirt or dust all over Rustle. Like there had been an explosion. Al was taking the paintings down to clean them and reclaim them. Myron was working on the wall. There were holes in the wall that you could put a key in to fix. I put the backwards end of the wrong key in, but it still fixed it.
Annette was taking the school bus too (as well as AJ) and I met up with her.(at Queen's?) Lesley was there for a meeting. She disappeared. Maybe the meeting was at 8:30am. Maybe I was late.
Then I woke up , got back to sleep and had this between 7-8am
Everything was a shambles. It was a prayer day but I had forgotten it was a pray at home day and I was trying to figure out what to wear. I had my purse and camera bag. I decided to change so I had to take them off. There was a clock that was telling me the time in this white square hole. Water was starting to drip in it, faster and faster. There was someone praying in the next room but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I walked into my bedroom and realized that that was being renovated as well as there was just my bed and the rest of the room was barren. There were others praying.