What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tea biscuits and coffee

I went and ordered 2 cups of coffee from this canteen type thing. Some guy had been ahead of me in line and had paid $4. I had a coupon and they were charging me $6. I said, well then I only want 1. Which was only $2. I said I wanted a business one, because that is what the coupon was for. She said they were all business ones. (Why was I getting coffee- I don't like coffee?)

Making something in the oven. Myron asked where the muffin cups were. I was annoyed, I didn't know. He took the tea biscuits out of the oven. They were shaped like ice cream cones but were in the muffin cups. I didn't think they were done. But when I looked closer some of them were done.

Kim was coming over and she was going to stay in James' room. I was cleaning it up while she stood outside. I was putting a new pillowcase on the pillow. There was some laundry on the floor that I was picking up.


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