What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


In my dream there was this elderly Japanese couple. Very stately- they may have been ambassadors. There was a young girl (well, my students' age, so about 19-20) with them. I think she may have been one of my students. (Robin) They were walking around the courtyard looking intently. Looking for something. Suddenly there was a shout! They had been found. Maybe the girls parents. It was so beautiful, I was crying (in the dream). I wanted to watch but there were too many people in the way. When all the people cleared the jubilant part of the reunion was over and they were sitting down and talking.
The joy of being found.

In another dream, I was walking trickily through the city. Climbing on high bits. Having to tread very carefully.

I was at a dutch store and there was chocolate out that the kids were eating. I was unsure - I thought we should still pay for the chocolate. One child left some chocolate on the floor and told me not to touch it. I told her not to worry about me! I wasn't going to touch it.

Yesterday, I dreamt I was in a big room and there were chairs set up in a circle. We were playing some giant version of go fish. You had to choose someone and ask if they had a certain card. Tony was sitting across from me. He picked me. I picked the guy sitting next to him whose name was Ron King. (I know no such person in real life) I was cracking up a lot (in the dream) because his last name was King and we were playing a card game. Like roll on the floor funny in my dream. When I woke up I wasn't sure why I was SO amused. It is really not that funny! But at least I have fun in my dreams!


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