What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I woke at 4am after having this dream:
In my dream Esther-Faith was in the middle of a pool with a big cake. She was having no problems swimming and eating the cake (in real life she is disabled). It was like a carrot cake with frosting. She thought it was yummy.

I had a thought that as we die and enter heaven we need to be washed of this world.

That it is really important to consider life and death situations.

My alarm woke me at 6:15am out of this dream:
I was in Australia and flying out with all my family. My parents. Nanny. A whole group of us. I was looking at the ticket and not understanding it. Was I on the right day? I called the stewardess over and she was looking at the ticket when I realized we were already airborne. But as quickly as I realized that, we were heading back to the ground again. The plane had some sort of problem. So it landed and we got off and had to try to figure out when we were going to get another plane to take us. The airport was quite small. I met some of the other people waiting. Nanny was not feeling well on the plane. They had a bed fer her to lie down on.


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