What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

(weird) kids video game

I was playing this video game that let you have 3 tries a day. I had my 3 tries and for some reason when I logged on again there was a fox there and he let me have 3 more tries. There was a new game there. The icon to depict it was a gold bent piece of metal- maybe looking a bit like a musical instrument. Like a harp with no strings and an extra piece. The background was green. When you clicked on it the game was to keep the girl alive. There were 3 squares that you could keep your character on that were safe and one that was dangerous. There were winds pushing her toward the dangerous place. There was rain making things slippery. My character had an umbrella. She had it open to hold off the rain. The weight of the rain was so heavy. It was pouring.

Monday, October 29, 2007

River/ Destruction

I was floating down the river quite rapidly with the current. There were very large fish going with me. I could pat their heads. I was nearer to the shore so that the boats and I would not collide. This was not by design on my part, but it was useful! The river was very full of fish and boats.

I was on shore and walking toward a house. I had been in the house before. It had guards all around it. I watched as the guards were all cut down in a single blast. I was far away at the time but I think I went in the house and looked at the pictures on the wall.
I woke praying for mercy.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Where you choose to live

There was a building near the university that was a medical buidling but was now overrun with students wanting to live there. I think I looked at a room there. The guy carefully measured it out for me. It wasn't very big. You couldn't even stand up in it!
When I was leaving, there was a whole gang of students coming up the stairs as I was going out. 'gang' in the sense of a lot of people, though 'gang' was being used against them in a negative way.

There was a skiing hill that you could move your little people on. I was moving my character down the hill. One guy was trailblazing and they thought it was too early. I was just moving my guy around the trail, but each lap around it would get icier and more difficult. Uphill seemed harder to manage.

We were with Gerald and Annette to go somewhere by bus. I had the tickets. We kept getting distracted and having to wait for the next bus. They dissapeared into something like k-mart at one point. But we did eventually get on the bus to where we were going and then they disappeared for a while and came back with a rental car. It was what they wanted to do, though I didn't think it was totally necessary. There were waterslides at this place. I met a young girl. She asked me if I remembered her. I said of course. We went down the slide together. There was a guy I knew at the end of the slide. I said hi to him. He said hi and turned away. The girl was sad that he turned away. I started to go and when I looked back, she had run back to him.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Shieleen's boys

(note: in real life Shi has 1 5 year old boy- Devaan and 1 daughter)
I was looking after Shieleen's boys Devaan and A-hip. Devaan was both 5 and 7 in the dream. A-hip was a baby- maybe 1.
I was driving them around in my car.
I took them to church.
I went to the mall. Shieleen was there too but the mall was closed because it was a holiday.
Myron left a giant plastic bottle of Tide there.
Devaan was taking my course and he was 7. I could tell his mom was helping him with his homework as he could not read all the words. But he wasn't doing badly- my main complaint was formatting.
A-hip was upset that his jacket was too small, but Devaan's was way too small and he wasn't complaining.
I parked the car by the side of the road and was going to run home. But then decided to drive the boys home and run in the house.
The house had been broken into. I went around looking at what was stolen and finding clues. Then we all came inside and were watching tv. As I was watching this chinese guy stoof up from behind the entertainment unit and was going to leave. I called myron in and asked him if he knew him. Then told him to call 911. I was holding the man by the arm so he couldn't get away.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lisa and Joel's place

I was a couple of doors down from Lisa and Joel. Kelly called on my porta-phone to talk to lisa or joel, so I walked over to their house to give them the phone. But their house was so busy! The front door was open, and people were coming in and out, helping with the baby and socializing. Pam's daughter Caitlin was there clinging to the leg of a parent.

I went over to Bonnie's house. She has ice cream, but not the right holder for James. Needed a 14oz. container. We ended up using a large stemmed beer glass for his 'float'.

There was a 2 year old girl with a problem - she could only pee while standing on her head!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lisa's hair

I dreamt I was cutting Lisa's hair. In the dream she had just had it cut by a professional (which I clearly was not) and so I felt odd cutting it again. But it really needed cutting- it was growing so fast.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


dreamt we had an apartment and we had 2 new roomates moving in. one was jennifer (one of my TAs) and one was ivan/ian. I think we already had some roommates. I was trying to figure out how to arrange it all. There were, conveniently, 2 bedrooms that weren't being used in a 'wing' of the apartment. a samll room at the back with hardwood floors and a medium sized room but it had a large hole in the roof. i showed jennifer. i asked her what she thought. she didn't answer. i had to call the landlord to get the hole fixed. my landlord turned out to be kim. she was outside the house with someone putting stakes down. she was already working to fix the hole. it was quite an elaborate deal.

Monday, October 08, 2007


I was visiting Bonnie's house. I think I was sleeping upstairs. I checked on her kids before I went downstairs. I told her one on them was sleeping in the splits and that his diaper was having a hard time hanging on. I told her also what Russell was doing (which was also interesting- though i can't remember it right now)and she corrected me saying his name was Ruttle. I apologized and felt bad. I said I thought the name was the same as our Church, so it had been easy to remember.

We went out with the boys by the water. They were doing silly boy things. Then James was older and was chasing the old train. It looked like he would catch it. That would be dangerous.

I woke up at 2am after a dream- something about a truck stop and I was sure I would remember it in the morning, but that did not happen!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


There was a man and he was maybe a child molester. I showed him my matches and I asked him to light one- I was trying to get his fingerprints. His impression on the match of his face. the matches would not light. None. Maybe they had gotten wet.

I went to the supermarket. I was hiding from him, yet also trying to help the police catch him. I saw a number of people from Church in the supermarket. An element of safety, but then I would have to keep going.