Dreaming of Rustle
Most of the dream took place in a location of Rustle, though it didn't LOOK like Rustle, it changed in look but it always looked homey- like someone's house. At one point it was Bob and Karen's house. I was getting something to make a sandwich with from their fridge. I had to be careful not to pick out Peter's food. I got some meat and some cheese with a funny rim. I wanted some vegetables but I'm not sure if I found them. I went to my spot at the table to put the sandwich together. There was a baby there with Sarah (Riley's mum) and the baby just kept being sick. She said it always happened around lunchtime.
In a living room, we were discussing issues. The room was full. When the meeting broke up, one lady was trying to get everyone to have her tea, but some people had already had tea. As many people had filed out, I hugged Jasmine. We talked.
There were accusations that people were using some illegal thing with money, and I looked and there was a long line up for something. I told my mom that at least they don't do it inside the church building. Then there would be a problem.
Someone came in and said they were a friend of the Peters', I said I was too. He said that a friend of Jord's had died. He was very upset. I think Jord knew already. She was upset too.
There was a young girl who wanted to give me a cheque. She was sobbing. She wanted to help orphans with AIDS. She gave me the cheque, but it was not filled out properly, but I could fix it, just the numbers needed to be filled in. She had written in the amount- eight hundred and something.
At 3am, I woke from this one:
I saw Karen S., Annette, Lisa and I in 4 seperate corners of a room, but the distance across the room was so big, though we were in one room, we were very seperate.
In another instance, I was trying to get the batteries out of something that was not working to put new ones in. Karen S. came up to me.
I had a large pile of marked tests. I think I was giving them back so that people could improve on the next test. The test were marked liberally. You got 2/5 for a triangle even if you did it completely wrong, just for trying. You would get 10/25 on the test just for trying. There was still one test for Karen S. to write. There may have been more for the rest of us.