What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


I dreamt I was married to Wayne Gretski. (spelled wrong on purpose!- I don't want people googling him and then telling Janet about my dream -I can't believe James' hockey addiction has infiltrated my dreams) We were on vacation and he was never at the hotel. So I went shopping but didn't know when to be back. I took some stuff out of shops. One was a nice looking black dress, but I didn't think it was me, so I returned it. As I was bringing it up to the counter a guy on the same side of the counter as me said that all returns need a recipt. But I just ignored him. I didn't have a receipt. I just left it on the desk and that was fine. Henriette was upset about the return. She said she would have hemmed it for me. But it wasn't the hem that was the problem. She couldn't have fixed it. I also returned a book about the same way- just leaving it on the desk.
Then we were outside and eating. There were these seeds in the thing we were eating that I kept having to spit out. They were round. Some of them were clear and some were black.

Last night I dream that I was using a mixer in the same room that Al was speaking in. It was a strange mixer- the beaters could be bent back.


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