What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Large scale

I had a lot of dream last night so hopefully they won't get all mushed up when I try to remember them.

There was a big building. Lots of work going on in it. Al was helping me with a desk- either planning for the install or designing. We had to take the piece of paper downstairs. This involved lots of clambering down stairs. When we got near the bottom there weren't any more stairs, just a 6 foot drop. It had to be jumped. Al was ahead of me and out the door by the time I got to the drop. I was hesitant, but I think I did it.

Rustle was in a big auditorium. Al was down at the front, worried, getting ready. I walked around the whole auditorium and saw how it was filling up. My friend Donna was seating people. I told her where I was planning on sitting in case she needed my help, but then I thought that maybe it was a better idea if I prayed at the back.

Then I went to this concert in a big hall. I think I went on my own, but James followed me there. Before the concert started I saw the female singer moving this giant black thing in front of her (speaker?). My thought was- my she really is tall! Then I went into the concert hall but I had to keep leaving because of James needing my help. At one point a number of them were wearing life jackets as they were doing some kind of safety drill on a boat.

I was sitting at a table with some people, eating breakfast. The pot I was getting the stuff from was my activia pot, but it was myron's cottage cheese-yogurt blend. I had 3 bites and then I explained how disgusting it was.

I made a call on the phone to someone- they picked up and said hello when they were picking up, but they wouldn't say anything else.


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