The end of the dream is normally the part I remember best because it is the last. This one was quite interesting, though I think there was a lot more before that was interesting as well.
My mother and I were standing by this trailer and I was talking to her about a guy I liked, who I think was famous and was named Paul. As we were talking Paul and his stewardess friend ran out of the trailer toward the water. They were running naked! (Luckily my dreams are pretty G rated. Naked people are either seen from the back or have obstacles conveniently covering parts) The stewardess looked tall and with short blonde curly hair. So then I took off my clothes as well and myself and a guy ran after them, except we weren't all the way naked, we had black briefs on.
When we got near the water, they were sitting at this table, so we could only see them from the neck up. But the girl was no longer the stewardess, she seemed to be Paul's boss and she looked about 12 and had long straight black hair. Paul was on the phone and seemed to be dealing with a kidnapping situation. He was asking them to put Mamma-Mia on the line. He was talking to different people with Italian names -Frankie may have been kidnapped as well. It was dark out and someone started shooting at us. The 2 guys and the boss-girl jumped into the water. The water was really far below and pretty deep. They were yelling at me not to jump, but I didn't want to be shot, so I wanted to jump, but not to land on anyone! So I jumped and I was falling pretty slow motion, looking for a good place to land. I was kind of rotating in the air. And then I came down. And it was black. And I wasn't sure where I was, if I was above the water or below it. But then someone came to rescue me and helped pull me above the water, so I could breathe, then I woke up.
Earlier in the dream there was a market place that has been refurbished so these business men could make lots more money, but there was one place that was so narrow for pedestrians to get through, they were all jamed up. When I got through that and got to the top of the hill, I found the little store that I was to work at and I was to clean out the fridge. The other girl who was working there was telling me how much money they were making now, that the renovations had really improved things.
I was at another store later looking for swimsuit bottoms. (Why only the bottom, I don't know). I asked my mom to help me find one with 4 colours- black, yellow, green and one other.
Then there was this other dream from when I was up another time in the night. It's all about travelling Clint!
James and Myron and I were on a train. I think we had no home, so we were travelling around. I also think we were in England. So I left the blue bag on the train because I knew we'd be back on that train. We put a bunch of other luggage in a locker in the train station. But when we came back to it, the locker was open. Noone had taken our stuff. One of the bags was full of shoes. There was other stuff that had been strewn all over the station floor. I had put my backpack with my wallet somewhere else in the station. I needed to find it. I was wandering off. When I came back to Myron from being downstairs, I asked him where James was. He said he thought James was with me, but that he thought he had heard him snuffling about. So we had to look for him too.
There was also something where Myron was trying to entertain James' cousins.
Edited to add: reading in my dream dictionary, nakedness can represent vulnerability. for night it indicates lack of vision. and water the 'water of life', our unconscious or emotions.
The Bible study I started for 2007 is all about vision, interestingly. I think it is good to be vulnerable and enter life that way, knowing that God will rescue me. But what is my vision unclear about?