What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Dreamt about Lorna on a cover of a Christian publication. She was dressed in a grey gown and sitting like a queen.

I was showing my class a video, maybe about persecution. The class was in a Church with lots and lots of video screens. We sang a hymn first. Someone else was leading that and then I had to introduce the video. It was a big Church to talk in front of!

Anne came by to test the initial tensions of the springs as she was going to use them for her course. She said all the tensions were wrong. I said yes and explained to her what I told the students. About the weight that needs to be on them.

I was in a corner store and there was someone who was asking me for help. They needed to meet someone. I was surprised but agreed to help. The clerk was concerned and on my receipt had typed his name - Zachary and the name of the witness - Martha

Kim needed me to help at her church. She had to cover 4 of 5 days but needed me to cover one for her. It was very busy and stressful.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mamma - Mia

The end of the dream is normally the part I remember best because it is the last. This one was quite interesting, though I think there was a lot more before that was interesting as well.

My mother and I were standing by this trailer and I was talking to her about a guy I liked, who I think was famous and was named Paul. As we were talking Paul and his stewardess friend ran out of the trailer toward the water. They were running naked! (Luckily my dreams are pretty G rated. Naked people are either seen from the back or have obstacles conveniently covering parts) The stewardess looked tall and with short blonde curly hair. So then I took off my clothes as well and myself and a guy ran after them, except we weren't all the way naked, we had black briefs on.
When we got near the water, they were sitting at this table, so we could only see them from the neck up. But the girl was no longer the stewardess, she seemed to be Paul's boss and she looked about 12 and had long straight black hair. Paul was on the phone and seemed to be dealing with a kidnapping situation. He was asking them to put Mamma-Mia on the line. He was talking to different people with Italian names -Frankie may have been kidnapped as well. It was dark out and someone started shooting at us. The 2 guys and the boss-girl jumped into the water. The water was really far below and pretty deep. They were yelling at me not to jump, but I didn't want to be shot, so I wanted to jump, but not to land on anyone! So I jumped and I was falling pretty slow motion, looking for a good place to land. I was kind of rotating in the air. And then I came down. And it was black. And I wasn't sure where I was, if I was above the water or below it. But then someone came to rescue me and helped pull me above the water, so I could breathe, then I woke up.

Earlier in the dream there was a market place that has been refurbished so these business men could make lots more money, but there was one place that was so narrow for pedestrians to get through, they were all jamed up. When I got through that and got to the top of the hill, I found the little store that I was to work at and I was to clean out the fridge. The other girl who was working there was telling me how much money they were making now, that the renovations had really improved things.

I was at another store later looking for swimsuit bottoms. (Why only the bottom, I don't know). I asked my mom to help me find one with 4 colours- black, yellow, green and one other.

Then there was this other dream from when I was up another time in the night. It's all about travelling Clint!
James and Myron and I were on a train. I think we had no home, so we were travelling around. I also think we were in England. So I left the blue bag on the train because I knew we'd be back on that train. We put a bunch of other luggage in a locker in the train station. But when we came back to it, the locker was open. Noone had taken our stuff. One of the bags was full of shoes. There was other stuff that had been strewn all over the station floor. I had put my backpack with my wallet somewhere else in the station. I needed to find it. I was wandering off. When I came back to Myron from being downstairs, I asked him where James was. He said he thought James was with me, but that he thought he had heard him snuffling about. So we had to look for him too.

There was also something where Myron was trying to entertain James' cousins.

Edited to add: reading in my dream dictionary, nakedness can represent vulnerability. for night it indicates lack of vision. and water the 'water of life', our unconscious or emotions.
The Bible study I started for 2007 is all about vision, interestingly. I think it is good to be vulnerable and enter life that way, knowing that God will rescue me. But what is my vision unclear about?

Friday, January 26, 2007

Reunion show

In my dream I was at a girls school or a camp and had been there a while. They were sometimes nasty. On the last day, girls who had left started coming back. And they came back with food items. One girl had a pizza and she was picking off the toppings(one of which was onions) and throwing them at someone who she didn't like. Another girl had chocolate cupcakes or muffins. We were surprised that they were coming back. Some one said "We've never had a reunion show before"

Friday, January 19, 2007


I was climbing this cliff on my own. It was very green. I knew (maybe because my mother told me) that if it had rained, this would be a difficult climb, but it wasn't too bad/ There was a cabin at the top that I was trying to get to. My family was up there with some visitors to the country. The cabin had a great lookout to the water.

I was in one of the boats on the water. It was moving real fast by the islands, it might have taken off.

Myron asking if he should take the little boy back to the old house while I was away. It didn't matter to me.

There was a train coming down the track, and I wasn't worried because the track ended before the road, so James an I still biked by, then James and I stopped to watch and it continued on wheels. With a horse, eating grass!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kim's baby

I dreamt that I was on a small plane with Kim and Zully. Zully was flying the plane. Kim went in the small bathroom in the plane. I think to pray for a baby. (Note in real life, Kim does not want a physical baby. I think that a real baby is not a factor for them. Zully has 2 grown boys. Kim's sisters both have new babies) I was near the back of the plane. Suddenly, the plane turned upside down and was spinning and doing crazy things. I was hanging onto a rail and I was in a stable condition, but I was worried about Kim and how she was in the bathroom. Eventually, I heard the motor do something different and we started flying in a straight line again. Albeit probably very low! I didn't have any windows to look out, so I don't know.

We were in some sort of apartment building. There was a lady there who was supposed to help Kim with getting her baby. The dream goes on like this with people praying for Kim to have a baby and people giving advice.

After the dream was done, still in my dream, I run through it again, trying to memorize it. As I was doing this the words came to me : "Kim thinks that other people do things better. This is a LIE."

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rustle circle

We were sitting in a circle. Al was at the top of the circle. Beside him was this light blue colour curved plastic-y circle couch. It was like something from a 60's diner and had wheels. There was a man sitting beside Al and his seat seemed stable. A woman was seated next to him but she couldn't get seated comfortably. She kept pulling on the seat, trying to get a place that was confortable. The man was telling her to stop. The man and the woman were taking a housing course. They had just taken the final test. If they placed top 9 in their class, they would get housing, but that wasn't really likely even if they thought it was. We were helping them.
I was looking at people, trying to decide the to ask to write the next bio for the prayer letter. There was a lot of choice.
I woke up when James shouted "Over there". I am not sure if he really shouted it, but he was up shortly after.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

2 Churches

Kim's Church and my Church seemed to be in the same building at the start. Kim was upstairs with me helping to set something up. Her Church started earlier. We could hear the music start so we ran and had to jump down onto a van and then to the ground. We ran in and it had started. The room was an L-shape (which is a silly shape for a Church or a class or anything like that really) so we had to figure out which end we needed to be at. Pastor Pat was there. She seemed to be unaware of her suroundings.

I was back upstairs again getting ready for the Rustle service. The upstairs had many little rooms. I think Brandon was organizing the day, but I couldn't see him. He asked me to pray for the day. I didn't want to because I had this nasty cold, but I did. I prayed that God would be with us during the day and for some other things, that I don't remember now.

Myron was upstairs too, but where was James? He turns up later in the dream. (I guess this shows him becoming more independant as normally in dreams he is right by me)

I was walking somewhere and ran into Don and Susan. They were holding hands and I was talking to them. It turns out there was a wedding we needed to go to for Kim's middle sister. But it was a surprise wedding. So not everyone was ready. I had a camera on me, so they were using it to take the wedding pictures, but water was leaking out of the camera. I thought the water was needed for the flash, but the person taking the pictures got annoyed as there was so much water coming out that they decided to drain it. I was worried if it was drained it wouldn't work anymore.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Kim's party

There was a baby and 2 stocky black and white puppies. We were at a house with a wooden staircase on the side. Kim knew everyone there. I think she called out "Juice" at one point and there were 2 black dogs, one of them was named "Juice" (her actual dog "Juice" died in 1996) It was a very festive atmosphere.

Friday, January 12, 2007


I keep having these great dreams and waking up at 3am, thinking I had a great dream, but by 6am, I can't remember it.

All I remember from last night's dream is that it was about community and I said to someone "Living in community is hard" (at least that's what I remember now) and thinking during my dream that my mom is right people do say interesting things in my dreams. I also remember James saying something that was like a metaphor with a pencil and thinking also that was neat, but did not manage to remember that one!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Zully's list

Part of the dream constituted young people running around on some mission that was being filmed for a show. They did lots of things in the neighbourhood then they were back in a room in couples, positioned to be happy.

I was typing in Zully's list to the computer. At first it was just names. But then I was also having to add his comments about people and they usually weren't very good!

Monday, January 08, 2007


This was a really long dream, with a lot of parts and I am having trouble remembering what goes where.

What shocked me most in this dream was when I friend and I were talking in some sort of institutional hallway. Sitting, minding our own business, Dr. M (one of the heads of Applied science, who REALLY doesn't like me- I've had a number of showdowns with him. Though this person could also be Dr. McL who is a prof at the phys dept and looks a lot like Dr. M but it wouldn't be as shocking if it were him) was walking by and stopped because he thought we were talking to him. When we saw he stopped, we stopped talking. We just looked at him. He seemed to realize that we were not talking to him, but since we had stopped talking, he started talking to us and asked if he could pray with us. We said ok and he prayed something like: Thank you God for this day and these friend. Thank you for helping us with things, for those who screw up by loosing their keys... and he continued on for a while, but my only thought was: oh, he lost his keys.

There was some other prayer in my dream. I had gone to a big church and my ankle was hurt. Pastor Peter(from church in St. C) saw it and came over to pray for it. He was praying while the service was going on, and I was listening to the service, not to him.

There was also a big table with bowls on it with little white squares in the bowls and we prayer over them- I am not sure if we wanted more or less of them or what the prayer was about!

There was also a subway race (There you are,Clint- the transport cannot stay away) It was after the game, and I was racing with another person on the subway. The subways stopped for intermission and we could go over and talk to the people on the other subway and then we started off again.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I was with James. Maybe we had just gotten off a bus. We were walking south towards a busy road. It might have been Princess St. but it was more horizonal, like Welland Ave in St. C. Anyway, looking south, below the busy road there was one street that the telephone/hydro poles had fallen over on, so James and I went to the next street over (sensible) but then as we were looking south, EVERYTHING was falling over. Trees, poles, even a whole house flew up and landed. There was no evidence of weather causing this, but a stormy destructive force was at work. Because we were north of the road, we seemed safe. The bus was trying to run on an adapted route. Steve B., who worked for a pizza place was handing out bite sized pieces of pizza to help people survive. I already had a whole piece of pizza, but he have me 5 or so bite size pieces as well.
We were walking south, because maybe home was that way. We had to walk really far around, and I had to carry James over wires because we didn't know if they were phone or hydro. Sometimes, my shoes were gone, then they came back.
The route that we had to take took us by Paul Harper (not currently alive anymore). He had moved out of his room in the nursing home becasue his TV didn't work in his room after the power failure, but he found a place where it did work and it just happened to be on the route that one could take south. You couldn't see Paul though- he had a red blanket all over him.

Around the same time, Myron and I were at a hockey game. We got in free because we were in the nosebleed seats at the very top. Myron knew some people up there and was talking to them.