What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kim's baby

I dreamt that I was on a small plane with Kim and Zully. Zully was flying the plane. Kim went in the small bathroom in the plane. I think to pray for a baby. (Note in real life, Kim does not want a physical baby. I think that a real baby is not a factor for them. Zully has 2 grown boys. Kim's sisters both have new babies) I was near the back of the plane. Suddenly, the plane turned upside down and was spinning and doing crazy things. I was hanging onto a rail and I was in a stable condition, but I was worried about Kim and how she was in the bathroom. Eventually, I heard the motor do something different and we started flying in a straight line again. Albeit probably very low! I didn't have any windows to look out, so I don't know.

We were in some sort of apartment building. There was a lady there who was supposed to help Kim with getting her baby. The dream goes on like this with people praying for Kim to have a baby and people giving advice.

After the dream was done, still in my dream, I run through it again, trying to memorize it. As I was doing this the words came to me : "Kim thinks that other people do things better. This is a LIE."


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