What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Dreamt the whole family (and it was a LOT of people. Most of the people I didn't know, so maybe they were from Myron's side:)
We were in this old large house to watch the finale of a show. People were taking pictures. Mike and Heather (myron's brother and sister-in-law) were there.
There were also games like tennis going on.
There was one girl they were asking could she see properly? When the ball went by her she swung at the wrong time. What happened was she was looking at the wrong ball. Instead of looking at the ball from her game, she hit the ball from another game. Then she went to look for it. There were a number of balls on the grass. She picked up the white rubbery ball.
I had to go to the bathroom and went toward the house. I asked an old lady where the most convenient one was. I didn't want to disturb them watching the show. Is there one on the main floor or one upstairs? She said they wouldn't want me using the one upstairs, but I could use the downstairs one and be careful not to upset them. The one I went in was very convenient, right on the edge of the house. There was some toilet paper scattered on the floor. I went quickly and got out quickly. I think the colours were blue and white.
My dad had asked me to get bus tickets home. The last commercial of the finale was done. I could stay and watch or get the bus tickets. I went to get the bus tickets. I wanted to get there before the crush. The tickets were one way Toronto- St. Catharines.

In another dream, I biked down to the downtown library and was about to put my bike in the big black bike rack in front (that does not exist there in RL) when I realized I had forgotten the DVD's that I needed to return, so I had to bike home. The bike ride back was a bit more complicated because of the one way streets. (I did have to return DVD's today, though I did remember them- I have lost some papers I was looking for last night and maybe that filtered into my dream)


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