What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Don't forget

Dreamt I was living at a daycare. I was sleeping on a couch in the main room. Heather was there. She was all over her husband's best friend. Her MIL was there and I was like - you are so busted. It was really funny, in a way as Heather was not as coordinated as usual, but didn't seem to mind.
Then the next morning Amanda was there and she was still pregnant. She offered to load my her little SUV because she didn't fit in it anymore. It was tiny. I had to crawl in over the top. I was going to a show. I had to go to the mall first. There were 2 right turn lanes. I was in the outer one, but there were 2 cars beside me,so I was squeezed over the yellow line. I was talking to someone (on the phone?) and was explaining what was going on. It was a mess at the intersection. I finally got in front of the people beside me, got out of the mall and got to the show, but I realized that I didn't have my glasses and I shouldn't be driving without my glasses and I couldn't see the show without my glasses, so I drove back, got my glasses and then it was 8 and time for the show to start and I still had to drive back. I did but then couldn't remember part of the drive. Did I drive it? Also, earlier in the dream, I was having trouble finding the car, even though it was described for me, I still couldn't see it.
Back at the daycare, I was going to do a game with the kids. I wasn't as familiar with the game as the kids were. It started with me droppping scarves to them. One of them was a special scarf. But they had to grab a scarf and then take it to a place for points, I guess. They were gone a long time, by the time they came back the game was over. They had done the rest of the rounds on their own.
When I was sleeping at the daycare, the roof in one area was leaking. A lot. So they had a large piece of styrofoam underneath that was angled toward the stairs.


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