What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


I haven't been sleeping well being sick with a cold, so I haven't had many dreams, but this morning I seem to have had quite a few. I hope that means I'm better!

I had been travelling with some deaf people. We took them to a room that specialized in care of deaf people. There were 3 deaf people, one was a boy around 19 like Peter, there was an older man and woman. Maybe the boy's parents. The older ones needed less, but I was dropping off the boy and explained a bit what he liked to do. The man who was going to look after him stopped me before I left and asked how far he was in his schooling. I said that we were just passing through so it didn't really matter, but I did tell him a bit.

I was stopping by Marla's house. It was a big house. She was sleeping in one room, but it was barricaded by furniture. James was sleeping upstairs in another barricaded room. I just needed to go to the bathroom. The bathroom didn't have a handle on the one and and I had to walk around to another entrance.
Marla had 10 of my pens. She wanted to keep one. I was a bit taken aback.

I was taking a test. The other students had started early. They were pretty confident I would do well anyway. The room was L-shaped so the proctor couldn't see me. I wouldn't cheat anyway. I was sticking pieces of paper towel on some people's shoes.


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