What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reaching out

There were two boys whose mother had died a violent death. One was about 11 and one was about James' age. The community was trying to help. When I went in their house there was a wall where people were dropping food. There was a remembrance wall. On it wall it said to come hungry, because there would be a meal.
I wanted to help take care of the boys. When they came in from school, the older one told me that she died from a heart attack, not from the stab wounds. I wasn't sure if he was talking about his mother, but he said he was talking about a heroine from a bronte novel. He liked crime novels.
I took the boys outside and they were throwing balls at the house. The little one threw a yellow ball and it shook the whole house (and we were pretty far away and it was only a little plastic ball)
They went to school until about 8pm.

I was at a hotel with my mother. We were going up and down looking for someone. There was a big dinner table. Can't remember if we ate. We found Opi and Omi in one room. Opi was sleeping, Omi was trying to do something.
I think earlier in the dream, I was with J.- I had just come out from breakfast and we were sitting at a little table just outside the eating area by the host. She said she had a DATE (wedding) but couldn't tell me because her friends were in the eating area.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

shopping/ new house

Last night I dream about going shopping to a big store. Chantal was in front selling cheap chocolate from pampered chef. There was a car/truck that almost ran over something. A duck living in a box near all this fluttering around as it had got dirt on it.

A few nights ago dreamt about a new house we bought a few months ago but had not been to even though we bought it months ago. It was a split house but there was no wall to seperate our house from the other. There was a giant fish tank left behind by the previous owners. I looked for dead fish but couldn't see anything. Everything seemed alive even after 3 months. There was some food there and I shook some in. The thermostat was at 21. I don't know why I assumed it would have been off if we weren't there. In the other house, there was a window open, so all the heating in the world didn't do any good!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I was on a ferry. Everyone was smiling and waving when I got on. When we got to my stop, I was going to get off when the ferry had stopped but it never reached a complete stop, though 1 girl got off. Those of us who wanted to get off were upset! Why was there no proper stop? They brought the captain to me via cell phone and he explained to me that as they were supposed to be stopping he got distracted because he saw on the internet that the Senators had lost 8-0. I didn't really care what the excuse was, I just wanted him to go back and fix it and let me off, which I believe then did happen. He was a jovial sort of captain anyway.
I got off the ferry and had to walk to work from the stop. I knew I had to find the information desk. I think the ferry captain may have told me he just hired a guy for the info desk and his name was phil gray, so I went to look for the desk and the guy. As I was going in the building, I saw that I had dropped my mitt outside and quickly went back and retreived it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I was in a room with lots of washers doing my laundry. I did my loads one after another each in a different washer. I guess I wanted to spread out the usage!
Myron was in the bathroom. There was a washer in front of the bathroom and it was leaking.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


I was working in a reactor and had a lot of issues with my bosses. I was working slowly because I didn't agree with what they were doing. The reactor was broken. I found the screw that was the problem and was fixing it. I put a casing on it and went to call my boss before I started it up. As I picked up the phone to call she was already there. But she was calling for someone else. I listened to her then informed her it was me and told her that I had fixed the problem, was it ok to switch on. She said yes.

There were these 2 big guys dragging a large old red towel with 2 dead looking ladies on it. They proceeded to add a lot more bodies to the pile. I was in my room running a bath. I switched off the bath as I didn't want any evidence to be lost. They brought the pile into the hall where the elevators were. There was a pool table beside where the bodies were. James asked if he could throw me a football. I said no, but he threw it anyway. I knew it was a bomb- I could see a switch under the football. I hit it away. He threw it again (or another one). This one I hit with a baseball bat into another room and it blew up. The heat of it was so intense that it made a flame thrower that was in the other room go out.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


I had a church meeting in my home. There were people sitting everywhere (the house was not my current house). Marlene was there and she was crying- i think from happiness of being there. Jenny S. was outside the house playing the clarinet but got hit with some water from a hose- that threw her off. (A dream dictionary suggests:To dream of playing the clarinet forecasts a sudden change in your life. Jenny's mom is battling cancer)