What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


I was working in a reactor and had a lot of issues with my bosses. I was working slowly because I didn't agree with what they were doing. The reactor was broken. I found the screw that was the problem and was fixing it. I put a casing on it and went to call my boss before I started it up. As I picked up the phone to call she was already there. But she was calling for someone else. I listened to her then informed her it was me and told her that I had fixed the problem, was it ok to switch on. She said yes.

There were these 2 big guys dragging a large old red towel with 2 dead looking ladies on it. They proceeded to add a lot more bodies to the pile. I was in my room running a bath. I switched off the bath as I didn't want any evidence to be lost. They brought the pile into the hall where the elevators were. There was a pool table beside where the bodies were. James asked if he could throw me a football. I said no, but he threw it anyway. I knew it was a bomb- I could see a switch under the football. I hit it away. He threw it again (or another one). This one I hit with a baseball bat into another room and it blew up. The heat of it was so intense that it made a flame thrower that was in the other room go out.


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