What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Friday, September 18, 2009


James and I and my mom were on a very full train in Europe. The payment system was rather complicated- you could pay as you were on the train or pay when you got off. I was working on paying when the train came to a stop. My mother got off at the stop. But there was such a crowd she couldn't see that I didn't get off. And then when I was about to get off- i opened the door a bit- the train started to move. I waved at her, hoping she would know that I would get off at the next stop and take a train back.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Pack animals

I was at a park in a big stone monument. I could look down and see a pack of lassie type dogs. I had never seen packs of dogs before, especially such well groomed ones. There was a pack of another type of dog at the bottom of the stone stairs. I ran down the stairs shouting 'hie hie hie' and the dogs at the bottom ran toward the lassie dogs and James and I ran the opposite direction. I was trying to get him to run faster but he was getting tired. He had a bionic arm.

My mother was telling this story to a group of people and another lady was acting it out. It wasn't going well so far as everything was falling down as the stands weren't very strong, but maybe it would get better.

Gerald and AJ in the grocery store.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

St. C weekend dreams

Sept 5/09
Dreamt I was at a church at the back behind a mostly filled-in wall. I was dressed in white and I was dancing. There was someone singing at the front. Somehow he saw me and I went forward to the front (not dancing) and he told me I should sing too. Then there were other people around and I could not do the beautiful dancing anymore.
I was looking out at a church (maybe the same one) and I saw something black blow up in a puff of cloud over it. I ran to investigate. Others had seen it as well.
Esther-faith and I were walking back along a courtyard and suddenly 200 bees came out. We moved fast but one still got stuck on my hair near the front of my head. I tried to stay still and told E-F to keep back but she came and took the bee out.
I was staying with a couple and the lady had gone to bed. The guy touched my arm and creeped me out. The next morning the lady wrote a note about the problems she was having with her husband and showed it to everyone.
There was a couple in front of their house trying to figure out where the previous owners had put the garbage.

Sept 6/09 Rescheduling
I was supposed to catch the train with James but I got caught up with something else and had to sort out the ride and stuff and we missed it. I was down at Queens doing paperwork. We could reschedule, I thought. But not many trains to St. C. Might have to stay in TO overnight.

Thursday, September 03, 2009


there was a dancing competition on stage and i encouraged this one lady, even though I knew the guy was going to win. We both knew it was good for her career.
There was a guy who could not do the dips properly. He was attached to a harness but wasn't really trying.

A.J. had an accident while at our house and I put him in James' hockey underpants.

A couple of days ago, I dreamt we were celebrating at Rustle in a gym, but there was a pipe or something leaking in one corner on the other side that the band was on. I was sitting on a coach with Al and Shari and Michelle and a bunch of other people. The couch was very full! Noone seemed very bothered by the leak.