What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

keeping everything on track

 In my dream I was in charge of keeping everything on track. Making sure instructors were following the curriculum.

I was house sitting Todd's house every day and my job was to make sure everything was ready for Todd and Chelsea to come home. I had to make the sign ready and put the gun away. Switch it off and put it in a secure location. But why was there a gun there anyway.

There was something about jobs and why they needed to be done. Stacy went to another job. Were people let go or choosing to go?

Friday, November 18, 2022

Easter egg

 The next season coming up was Easter and James wanted an Easter egg. But the colour he wanted was not available. He needed to wait. He wanted either red or pink.

There was a big party with red cake and someone was using magic to clean up. They may think it is working for them but really they are the ones being used.

There was a girl doing a routine on a bars type structure, swinging through it. Doing a dismount.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Scripture on every line

 Task list like the one I am working on for work with a scripture beside every task.

Everything we do is for Him!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 Julie needed to take something from the cabinet of the store (goggles?) and left the money (99cents) on top but also messaged me so I knew and I was going to pay for her but I saw she had already paid.

I didn't bring shoes because I knew there would be walking on the beach but then I couldn't go in the store. I asked to borrow some shoes.

I wasn't sure who my partner was but people were offering to help.

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 I was sitting behind a table that was talking about Brendan, listening. Others came by. I encouraged Brendan to listen.

There were different outfits needed, depending on the occasion but you needed to be able to know the occasion.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022


 I needed to buy batteries.

There was a package on the counter which Alan unwrapped. It turned out to have a live baby inside but it was missing critical parts (I think arms) but was happy enough even if there were limitations on what could be done. It was better than being wrapped up.

I was wearing James' coat and he let me drive his vehicle. He drove it home and was kneeling behind it.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

opening the door

Pushing open the door to the Church- it was a large wooden door and was supposed to be locked but I pushed it open and went inside.

I was helping young people inside

Trying to find English language tools for indonesia on ebay 

Friday, November 04, 2022

Flying into Kingston

747 plane with a hump to bring more people to Kingston.

This brought the dutch people.

There were more than one of these special planes per day but only on Wednesdays.

Someone closed the curtains, I need to open the curtains. There was some resistance but I did it.

Thursday, November 03, 2022

missiles for points

 Outside there was a father who was playing a game with the child throwing a dart/missile and points for where it landed, If it landed on the child's calculator it was only 1 point. Otherwise it was 4 points.

In the church the father was playing the same game but there were 2 points for the response and 2 points for the landing.

I was keeping score in the printed book that had the names already written in it.

He moved on to a woman I didn't know and I couldn't find her in the book. He said he did that on purpose. He was spelling the name for me but I knew I was getting it wrong "Prepre".

Wednesday, November 02, 2022


 -Ashwin making mistakes- calling it a soccer conference- too many mistakes to stay

-lots of job opportunities

-new desk small screen large chair- other person thought it was her job but it wasn't

-giant doll house, guy was going to drive it home for me. Checking it had all the needed bedrooms

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

running the race in stages

 Some are individual and some are team. Saw all the stages noted on the board. 5 major ones. I was in the middle.