What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Rustle was building out from a large building into the air using rectangular brown snaplock blocks. Though it was not supported from underneath there was no concern of it falling. Sustained by a greater force. There were no borders/fences which is good because we were still building out but dangerous as people could fall over the edge. People were safe in the circle and there were places to sit and eat. There weren't a lot of snap tiles attached to the building for people to join, we needed to add some more. There was a tile at this starting point that was slightly crooked and it could be a stumbling block as people could trip upon entry. Felt the need to pray for people want to get into the community by some other was other than the assigned entry point.

Matthew 7:13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. 15Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Another room

I was trying to help people out by letting them use some things from my room. Sometimes just a place to sit. I hoped I had cleaned it sufficiently. Sometimes they left things and had to come back. I sometimes had to get containers from the street when we sat out there.

There was a line of people moving, maybe some sort of coordinated dance  on a carpet. One girl was ill and threw up.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Ending up in a dark sparse room but it was quiet and peaceful.  There were many other rooms with different fillings. All of the walls were glass.

Monday, January 06, 2020


The people in the apartment upstairs were having a party. There were cars all over. Somethings like the bird bath and some other outside things were broken. They called out a guy for drugs and sent him away. He wasn't very happy.

There was a female family member who sometimes would run away. We had to keep a close eye. When she escaped we had to look all over. Even Holland. Check the bathrooms.

Sunday, January 05, 2020


I was at the airport and James had suggested that we be at the airport when Pam and Steve and the girls arrived but we didn't know when that would be. We were at the airport for something else and then I saw Steve and went and told him that we had been just thinking about him. Pam showed up shortly after.

Then we were in a phone or IT store thinking about getting a plan. They were having some sort of sale as there were people everywhere. The lady who helped us was quite nice and gave us a little bag of things even though we hadn't bought anything. (like a goody bag)

I was going into a large studio room with Pam. Maybe an IT room. But her earring got caught in my clothes and so getting in the door we had to stop. A guy came out to help us but we sorted it out.

Myron was killing rats but there bodies were orange or pink balloon type bodies and in the grass was a large orange or pink balloon that we popped as well.

Saturday, January 04, 2020

room and words

Dreamt there was a room that you could sleep in that had a bathroom with it that was protected from the outside world. I stayed there and then at the end of the dream I locked Christina and someone else in for their own good.

There was also a service but in a auditorium. Todd and I were coming up with the same words but in different ways. The words the God was giving.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Report due at 3pm

The report on some engineering project was due at 3pm. At first I thought it was 3:30pm but looking more carefully at the deadlines someone pointed out that it was 3pm. There was a lot of data and sorting to do and so it was taking some time to get everything organized. There were different prototype vehicles and different lengths to go through. Then when I was waiting for the lab there was a gunman. We were just trying to keep out of sight. I thought maybe this would grant me an extension? At some point I just needed to start on the report even if all the data wasn't quite ready.
Then I was writing a very long letter. It was during this letter that my alarm went off and I woke up.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

The dog with no paws

The dog had an injury and lost its paws but I was trying to find them back again. There was a police person helping me. At an intersection he threw down a spike belt, which I thought was a bit extreme but it did seem to be effective as it did stop the car he wanted. Though I thought the car behind it was more trouble and it sped off when it saw the first car on the spike belt.

The police man asked me to talk to the passenger who had been assaulted in the past. The passenger wondered how talking to me would get the paws back. I was like you can talk about what you want, we are trying to help.

James was in a truck with Duncan and a driver. They stopped at the house and someone got out.