What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

summer students

I was upset because the summer students had not put the window back on and the heat was on! So I had to work on that. There were thing that were labeled around the room that they had put their mark on.

There was a lot of snow at the corner of Alfred and Concession and cars were stuck. We were walking and just walked to the traffic light and walked over. The car was parked at the Mem Center parking lot. So I said we should turn right on Princess St. and that would get us out of the fix- assuming that they had plowed better there.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

wedding day

(Today is Mady's wedding day)

Al was in his best coveralls.

In my dream it was my brothers wedding but I had to give some presentation and then I was running late and couldn't find it.

Then I was trying to clean up after the fact and the walls were dirty and there were giant black spider/ant like bugs that grew when you killed them and I had to put it in the garbage but was worried that it would come to life again.

Trying to find my mother.

Alan having his student count the vegetables and sell them, but they weren't any cheaper than buying them at the store, but if you needed them this was a great resource.

I had eaten all the vegetables on my plate and needed more.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


The dogs would talk in people voices to me. It was like the dog whisperer. They appreciated being taken care of. I fed them and made sure they could find their owners. There was also swimming in the pool.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Dreamt I was going to a wedding which was some distance away so I would need to stay at a hotel. But I hadn't packed anything so I was trying to figure out what I would sleep in and what I would wear. And noone had sorted out if the divorce was final. So I felt very unprepared.