What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

tunnel with deer

Dreamt that I was at Bobbi's house and she was cooking but was missing an ingredient. I guess Murray also thought he needed something from the porch so he took the porch apart before he went to the store. Bobbi kept forgetting and trying to get out the door. "lock the door" I told her and she found some keys to do that when we went to the store. Robert came with us and picked up a package so that the missing ingredient could be grown at home.

Kim and I were out going somewhere and we went through this tunnel on the way out. On the way back it was night and there were deer everywhere. She told me to look for the eyes but in the tunnel there were so many you didn't need to look for the eyes you had to clearly avoid them so Iwas giving instructions to Kim "brake" when she was near.

Thursday, February 09, 2017


In my dream Al was in prison. The lock was a combination lock that the warden went through. It was a huge lock- floor to ceiling with this giant knob to turn to the numbers. I thought if I could wait long enough I could watch the warden go in and watch the combo and get him out but the warden was smarter than that and wouldn't let people watch.

The warden really liked Al and so gave him this corner piece of metal and fabric that had some paint on it. It looked like nothing. It looked like garbage. But it was colour.

They were sending baby Madison down to Florida for someone to take care of her.

People who loved Al were taking care of his house. Karen had designed some 8 foot memorial stone to hang in the house that had writing in stone all up and down it. I wondered how we paid for it. Al also needed a new house so we assigned someone to work on that but decided it really wasn't a one person job, that there needed to be 2 people to do this. We were going to buy a house.

Monday, February 06, 2017

new house

Was at a real estate showing and the house had a featured pool with a mermaid suit but it had problems with the heating and the stove.

I was dating a volatile guy but I thought it evened out my calm  so we were a good match, but would he turn against me?

They were giving out flowers with jibes. Who would be offended?

Shari had a little girl dancing on top of her shoulders and outstretched arms while she stood in the pews. All of a sudden, the little girl fell to the ground. I was trying to tell Shari that it was not her fault.