What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

killing the alligators

There was a white sheet on the ground and the alligators that were being killed were placed on it. They were being killed by bare hands, people wrestling them.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

family reunion

I was attending a very complex family reunion. I didn't know who anyone was but that didn't seem to bother me. We went to the eating room as they were filing in I got out the camera with the special lens tube. It was clear plastic and expanded outward. I tried to take a picture of the people in the black t-shirts and jeans but the angle was too wide. They fell over.

There were different colours of teams. I was looking after a young blonde child with good taste in music.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Moving house and class trip

We were looking at a house- it seemed familiar like we saw it when we were looking at houses the last time. I thought it was not a good sign that it was up again for sale after such a short time. The front room was much bigger than our current front room which was good, but the floor was very lumpy like there was something wrong under the carpet. Myron was talking to the real estate agent who was asking how much we would spend and Myron was saying 520K. I was thinking I wouldn't spend over 150K on this one! The best part of the house was supposed to be the finished rec room. It was indeed nice and huge. There were books all over it.

I was in charge on a class trip . I had about young people in my room (mixed gender). There were a number of curling irons. I found a flea on my hand and I knew there were more. Just wait. I picked it off. (When I woke up, my arm was itchy!) Dream dictionary says that a flea bite in the dream indicates that someone is spreading nasty rumors about you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


James and I were crossing the road and when we got to the other side there was a ditch. At first we thought we could jump over but it was so deep we stopped. There were cars passing close by. There was a girl working in the ditch so there were some ladders, but they were pretty rickety. I think we asked if we could use one and she said yes. We had to descend carefully.

There were swimming races going on. The pool wasn't very big so I thought it wouldn't take very long, but the girls race went very slowly. Then it was the boys turn but they wanted to close the door as they got into the pool as they were jewish and shy to take off their shirts. The pool they were planning on using looked only 4m or so like Joanne's lap pool.


 Jason E. walking ahead with a girl. She was breaking up with him for Shawn. They were heavier than I thought.

Swimming competitions- the pool was very small so I thought it would be very quick but the girls took a long time. The boys were going to start but they closed the door so they could get in for privacy because of their religion (J)

James and I were walking and crossed the street. Then the ditch was so big that we couldn't jump it, we had to walk down a rickety ladder.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

moving into someone else's life

Brd Pitt and Stphen Harper were in a dream I woke up from around 5am

In a dream around 7am I dreamt we had moved to a new apartment but the old owners left some things. So there were books on cinema. Postcards on the wall. Lots of feather dusters on top of the fridge, arranged very symmetrically. There was also a bucket of toilet cleaning brushes on the fridge.

I was trying to make bacon on the floor in the griddle. The griddle hadn't been cleaned since the previous use so there was still some old bacon to move around. As I was working on this I couldn't see James but I heard something so I went to find him. I asked him what he was doing and he was pulling at something. We saw a mouse run by in the shadows. I knew I had packed the poison blocks somewhere, just needed to unpack. I had to work to keep James off the bacon as it was cooking on the floor. I was worried he would fall on it.

It was snowing outside.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Woke up with the song sailing going through my head.

Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
And soon I will be free

Dreamt about trying to help a girl. But she was too busy. I kept telling her to do something she liked- walking, swimming. But she had no time. She was very skinny and she asked for help getting a skirt. I was looking and I pulled out a size 2 one. She had already worked it out though and found a nice size 6 one.

Monday, November 04, 2013

to get from here to there

I was booked in meetings to get help. There were meetings 9-12 and 1-4 and I had something else booked 12-1 in another place. I had to figure out how to get back and forth. It was 9:05 and I was still on campus and I had to get to 797 Princess.
I was marking the Chem midterm. It was divided up in many parts to mark. I had to look in files.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

PM meeting

Dreamt about a PM meeting. We were writing on whiteboards. Ramona was there.

Saturday, November 02, 2013


I've been so busy the last few weeks I haven't had time to write my dreams down but there have been some good ones. In one my Dad was driving an SUV! (If you know my Dad you would understand the crazy that that dream is)

Last night I dreamt that I was talking to this guy about an exam. I can't remember what we were saying about it but he had hair on his cheeks. I was fascinated and kept staring at his cheeks wondering how it did that!