This dream also occured on the 2nd, after I went back to bed after writing down the 'hamster' dream.
Questions of life were written on the side of a large building. I was hanging from ropes answering the questions. It was quite difficult to answer them because you had to swing pretty far even to see all the answers. And the answers went right to left. Question 15 is the one I was on just before I woke up. There were pictures with the answers as well. Question 15 asked- what type of house would you like? a) a little house but with no payments b)a more expensive/nicer house but with x$ payments. Each subsequent house was bigger and nicer and more expensive and also had bigger payments. I chose a). Apparently my subconscious agrees with my conscious on this one!
This morning, I had a lot of transportation going on in my dream. I think I went to Toronto a number of times. My mom was there travelling. On one bus, my Oma was there sitting in a seat that had some metal tray in front (like for eating lunch). There was a wheelchair that got loose and headed towards her but it was stopped by that metal tray. She was surprised but not quite sure what had gone on! A lot about times and schedules in the dream.