Tic toc Amish woman, pan to car, pan to Amish woman smiling
A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.
My mother had made a dessert that still needed to be stirred and delivered to Dutch friends.
I was running a hunt for things and people were off searching.
I was working on something at the front of the Church (but it didn't look like our Church) I was working on the technology, trying to make sure everything worked. There was an ultrasound machine as lighting and it lit up Sarah's belly and there was obviously a baby there. She knew about the baby and I knew about the baby but there it shone in the ultrasound light and everyone could see it.
Yesterday I dreamt that I had a new job and got graded each week on something good and something bad that you did. They gave me the bad sticker first. It was for "hard work"- I was confused as to how this could be bad.
Today I dreamt that my parents were selling their place and it was going for $1 million. The front room had purple carpet with and elevated different kind of purple carpet on top protecting a piano or a fireplace.