What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, February 16, 2025


 In my dream all of Rustle was staying in a hotel and I was trying to shut the bathroom door and the lock wouldn't catch  so I had to keep slamming the door.

I was telling Todd about a dream that I had that the expansion was "effortless" because God was doing it. Todd was not convinced but the growth was happening because God was in control.

Opening a different bathroom and there was a lot of bodily fluids all over and there was someone on the ground doing some procedure. The door should have been locked, I didn't want to see that!

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Snakes and bacon

 In my dream there were a lot of different things going on.

My students were working on testing a spring and the spring they were testing went right to the end of the measuring device. I was trying to show them and said it measured 10 cm and they couldn't stretch it past that but then I realized that there was something different with the measuring device as it sure didn't look like 10cm. I realized that the small measuring device worked on exponentials so it took some thinking to work out what the actual length was.

We were packing things into a car when I realized it was the wrong car, I had parked further up the road. So we had to take everything out and move it to the correct car. I wondered how we could have gotten in the incorrect car anyway. It must have been unlocked.

Ben was staying at my house and anytime I wasn't looking he would put 3 rashers of bacon in whatever I was cooking. I looked at him and said something like "was this you" and he said "bacon is nice". Then I wondered how he paid for such excessive amounts of bacon.

I needed to see my parents on Tuesday but I had to make sure that I would finish work early enough.

There was a fake snake in a tunnel that someone had constructed in a buggy that was remote controlled and came through the tunnel and ate some snacks before rolling back.