What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

hornets building an anthill

 The ground was so full of hornets that they had built up large anthills. The ground was bulging with hornets. I wanted to spray them but where to start. It was too dangerous. Wait for the frost that would kill them.

In a restaurant. They put your number in a heart on the side. The waiter asked me if this table had free something. I said that it did yesterday. He nodded. We tried to find the bathroom. First we found the changeroom. The 3 of us walked in and realized that this was not what we were looking for. It was a large change room but not what we needed. We did find the bathroom which was toilets next to each other, no stalls. Some lack of privacy there!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 There was a family with 2 sets of twins and a baby girl. They were happy with all the children, I could see that the girl was wet as you could see some spots around the diaper but she was still happy.

I was supposed to fly out but I hadn't booked the airport shuttle. Did I really want to go?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Separating the onions

 There was a man who was praying  and people were falling and his son's were catching. They all had curly hair. Family traits.

I was mentioning a story from Isaiah to Brian and he commented that I tell that story a lot, I must read it every day. That was an exaggeration of course but it seemed to be my signature story.

Brian had brought some food along and I found one leftover small pizza with some onion on top of it. I contemplated eating it but it was harder to separate the onion than it looked. I did not want any onion.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


 I knew someone was lurking as the juice cup on the stairs was tipped over (I noted that I needed to clean it up) and then up in the attic my nice vase was broken. I tried talking to the person but it was weird as I couldn't see them. 

They were dishing up the cake which had a lot of raspberries in it. They were all dished up when they realized that they still needed a piece for me and so they pulled another piece apart. I went to get something before I ate it, and that is when the hiding man pulled me away.

I was at a conference with Alan and attending the englinks session. There weren't a lot of people, I thought maybe because they were away on break. But then we were broken up into groups and there  seemed to be more people. There was a dance party and many people got up to go.

I was talking to a student about hearing as they were having difficulty. I shared about praying for it and there was no response. I shared that I also hear the same thing in terms of hearing an odd sound and that allowed him to relate.

Thursday, October 05, 2023


 A spider died and another spider wrapped it in a web and pushed it off the side of the counter

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Getting help

 A group  of us were living in a house together for a short time to get help. We were going to have our final session but Zach had already left. I had to go to the bathroom so I let the leader know. I went up to the bathroom which was my childhood bathroom and there were clothes shed everywhere.

I was walking with Beth C. and she was walking very fast, it was difficult for me to keep up. We were going to her house which was a cottage on the edge, on a straight street.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Word games

 There was a word game where you had to buy different backgrounds and then find words to write on the hills. The background was important. The game was all the rage.

The bathroom was filthy. People tried to move aside some of the filth, but it was still there. There was a baby who didn't know better. People who wanted to drive me.