3 panels
There were 3 panels in a display. The blackbird, the cross and the fire.
A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.
Dreamt that my students were ranked on some kind of WOCA top 50 list and there was completition to get on it.
Yesterday I dreamt about James getting in a car and driving away not needing any supervision.
Today I dreamt about being on an airplane and the first segment of the flight was completed. I was somewhat near the back of the plane for that part but for the next part I was up near the front. I was to be sitting with this one girl that I was trying to convince to come back on the plane, it would be leaving soon and the pilot didn't want us to get off.
There was a wasp in the house maybe strangely drawn to the butter. He rolled around in it a bit and then I thought he was dead and I was going to throw him outside and then he started coming to life trying to sting again but all covered in butter. I went for the fly swatter.
Myron had a flashlight and was scared in the dark. I was not scared.
There was a doggie day care and something happened. I got there early and managed to get in. When I left there was a line up of people. Not sure they were socially distanced enough.
Kim had a show machine and she was talking about the snow machine from work. I was not sure if the one we were unloading was the one from work or her own.