What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Boeing made a new type of airplane to deliver people to submarines. You had to wear Boeing wetsuits. There was an older guy (60s) doing the testing. Lesley also volunteered and was able to do it as well.

There was a big buffet. I was helping other people, mainly those that had come from my table, by pointing out things and picking up things. I had two things on my plate- something white and some long slices of pickles. I was using a knife to point things out to people with forks.
There was a 'leftover' station with older food grouped together by expiry date. The oldest food was labeled 'This has to go'.
There was a blind girl that I took around and asked questions for.

I was on a bus sitting beside a black girl and talking to her about Jesus. I explained that if we give our life to Jesus, He washes away our sins. He doesn't change who we are but gives God inside to help us. You just need to pray and ask Him.
Later, I wanted to go back to follow up and offer to pray with her.

I saw the green bin pickup, he was doing one at a time.

There were bombs that would be triggered with a certain frequency. There were three pairs of children walking down the aisle. One of the children was talking at that frequency. He had to be switched off on the screen.


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