What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tearing down

In my dream I was working for someone who needed some balconies torn down- I was doing the tearing down. The balconies looked fine but as I was tearing them down I noticed the wood was rotten. I told the guy in charge that the balconies would have started breaking down next year if we had not started this work. I was working on an apartment building, so sometimes I was tearing down up in the sky.

Kim saw an angel. She saw the angel on Saturday outside a big store and was frustrated with Zully because he had already dismissed it.

There was a woman who was the sole provider for her family and she had lost her job. She went for a job interview and told me about it after. It was with a big company and they would want her to move to a major center. We tried to come up with where the major centers were that she might get an offer from. I was writing them down as we did our research. One was Florida. In the dream I thought this would be good for the woman. Al got an offer from the center in California, I was not sure why he needed an offer.


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