What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Teaching Engineers

We were teaching engineers in a lodge.

My room was surrounded by lots of happy birthday plates, mostly waiting to be used. I'd have to shift them around when people were in the room- the piles of birthday supplies.

There were some of my students sitting at the front and I had 2 notices to give out. They had highlighting on them showing the important bit. They weren't from me- they might have been from Lynann. One was a guy getting in trouble for a flashlight game. This guy took the note quite hard and looked quite ill and kept saying "I don't want to go to Hell"
One of the girls at the front was talking quite sensibly about how it was importent to be careful at homecoming. She said she had only gone this last year. I said I didn't go at all anymore.

After we had finished being seated, I was walking with a different girl and talling her that it was a good course, it may seem boring but it's a useful course.

Then there was a guy who was describing his idea for having people drive and testing some reaction. I said that if he had a like minded group he could do that for his M3 project. (though upon waking, I realized that M3 projects are assigned- he couldn't choose) He looked at me like I was crazy. (I guess I wanted for him to follow his dreams and that is a bit crazy!)


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