What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Where is the Whale video?

I was in a video store looking for a specific video on whales. Myron was looking too but wasn't having much success. We were looking in the areas it was supposed to be in, but it wasn't there. I was looking for the animal section. I found the video case, but not the video. The video had something to do with dolphins. The dolphins looked a bit scary. ferocious dolphins! seeing them swimming quickly by the boat.
In the video store I think it was a video/book store and there was this long tall (about 2 feet) book about Dr. Who. I thought it would be a great gift for my dad or brother but couldn't think how I could hide it when I brought it home! There was a note on the book that indicated that it should be upright and hidden behind something.

In another part, I was teaching a class with Anne. She was doing one room and I was doing another. I had my shoes off. I had to do an introduction at the start and then go around and help them. The TAs who were helping me were odd. One large lumbering fellow. It was more toward chaos than order. But they were all sitting in their seats (except for the helpers) so that was organized, but the room did not seem to be.

James and I were walking in some sand playground. But it wasn't soft sand it was hard sand made into hills. James liked running up and down the hills, sometimes jumping down off the tall steep ones. I had to made sure he didn't fall into traffic!


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